good enough to play modern warfare 2 ect.... i am using nvidia geforce g100 now ....
Im from singapore.......
and how do we know if a specific video card will be able to work on my pc?|||a low end nvidia card will probably run you AU$150 but as you go up to the higher end models (gtx 295, gtx 480) they will increase in price by up to AU$500|||newer the pc, the most likely it will need a pci-e video card. pci-e slots are either blue or purple slots. If you have a brown slot you have agp which is old tech now.|||First of all, what resolution do you play at, and what power supply do you have?|||looks like you are a casual gamer........
Go for ATI 5750/5770 according to your budget....
Best cards according to price/performance ratio..........
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