Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How do i reinstall my video card?

my comp had a virus so had to be wiped clean recently. now my video card isnt active, and idk how to fix it so i can use secondlife again = ( does anyone know how? please let me know ways to fix it.

also, its a used computer so i dont have any instillation cds and cant afford to get a way around taht would be great please|||are you getting any picture to your monitor? you need the driver for the card which is a file that tells your computer how to use the video card. it can be found online if you know what kind of card its is. you might have to open your computer to find out, its really easy to find.

How do i install my video card driver?

hello! i got a amd video card but when i try to install i don't know what my video card stuff is all i know is that its a amd video card i uninstalld amd a Little while ago but i didn't know it was my video card can anyone help me please|||download the AMD Driver Autodetect utility…|||The Better way you can get help is to go to youtube…|||usb?

Is the video card for a HP G60-519WM Notebook PC integrated into the motherboard?

i need to know i am planning on upgrading my laptops video card and i don't know what video card i should get or if i can even upgrade my card at all please help|||"The graphics on most notebooks is integrated (fused with the motherboard) and cannot be upgraded. The G60 series is considered an entry-level or lower end model so it's not the best for gaming"…

I wouldn't count on it. Like this guy said in another forum, most basic laptops use integrated graphics

you'd almost have to take the back off and try to find a removable graphics card.

I've taken laptops apart, they are more challenging than a desktop so, beware.

Video card that require more Watz than my computer?

well i just bougt NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS PCI today and it said require 300W or over but my computer is only 230W...

When I install the driver, the video card would'nt let me change the screen resolution and the color quality is 4bit.... is that the Watz problem? Does Watz effect that much to my computer? |||yes, a lack of power can and often does damage components also. I highly recommend getting yourself a name brand 500 watt or above power supply. |||Graphics cards have a minimum power wattage requirement for a reason. You'll have to upgrade your power supply, but make sure it's compatible with the maximum wattage allowed for your motherboard.

Need help choosing a video card for my pc?

I must admit I got hooked on WoW and need better graphic performance. I have no idea on what video card to get. I want to spend around $150. Please view my pc's specs to help me out.…|||well, you have the 64-bit windows, so you can have way more than the standard 4 GB with regular XP which means you can get a pretty powerful graphics card.

did you know what you bought when you bought this computer? id think someone who owns this computer would know what kind of card to get?


see how it says:

PCI Express X16 Slots 1

that means you can put one PCI -E graphics card in there.

you can get any card that is PCI E and NOT agp

never buy the best card because every 3 months a newer one comes out and no one can keep up with it; so save your money.

you want a card with 1GB or more of memory

the best one i can think of would be the GeForce 9800 GT.

it would be on under EVGA GeForce 9800 GT Video Card|||When you look for a graphics card, see if it is a dedicated one, with at least 256-512 MB of RAM.

the one currently on your desktop is integrated

In other words, a dedicated gfx (graphics card) has its own RAM to work with. An integrated one shares memory with the actual computer RAM instead, which significantly lowers its performance|||heyy, i think if u could find a nvidea geforce 9800gt that would be perfect to run WOW. and looking at ure computer specs, you have the right slot for it sooo yeaaaa :):)

hopw this helps|||The ATI Radeon HD 4850 or Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 would work well. They're both PCI 2.0 x16 which should work with your rig.|||If you can get a 4870 for less than $150 then go for it.

I'm sure that even something like GeForce 9600GT or AMD 4850 will be more than sufficient for WoW

I play the Sims alot on our CPU and I need a new video card?

I have a Dell pentium 4..what would be the best video card for me|||Affordable price Nvidia 7600 series is your best bet. And make sure your memory is atleast 1GB, so you can play Sims without any lag or skipping.

Besides all of the info I gave the Nvidia 7600 series has download drivers from that actually don't encounter problems for it, unlike other Nvidia cards like 7900GT or 8800GTX encounter minor problems, which cause your computer to restart because you didn't download the proper driver.

Simple answer: Nvidia 7600 series, its affordable.|||most likely an agp nvidia 7800 ... it depends on what slot type u have|||I had that prolbem when I got the Sims 2 for the first time. I had a video card but it wasn't enough and it made the game skippy and I was getting very annoying at it but I got a better one I can't remeber the name of it but your best bet is to go to a place that sells electronic stuff like best buy and ask them they could tell you a lot more and help you out.

Good enough CPU, and video card. RAM not quite enough. What should I expect?

Talking specifically about Dragon Age: Origins. My CPU is 2.4 dual core, Video card is 1024mb but I have 2 GB Ram, which is in between the 1.5 required and the 3.0 recommended. What sort of things will this affect in game performance? Will it run smooth on a lesser setting?|||For starters, saying that your video card has 1GB means diddly squat. It could be a low end piece of crap or a high end powerhouse and have 1GB of RAM.

Second, 2GB doesn't quite cut the mustard, especially if you're running Vista or Windows 7. It'll run, but don't expect great things. 4GB of RAM is the sweet spot for gaming these days.

SEAN, if you think that Readyboost is even remotely close to physical RAM then I have a bridge to sell you. It's only slightly better than virtual memory on your hard drive, which is a completely piss-poor substitute for real RAM.|||it should be fine as long as your within the parameters set. However this is the minimum recommended most likely which can and will be affected by background progams such as your anti virus etc. go to canurunit by sytemrequirementslab to find out where you may need to improve. Click on the recommended tab to see that. Just click the dropdown menu and scroll to the dragon age version you are attempting to play.|||ugh. usually the minimum required is what allows something to run, it will look horrible but run. dunno about that game, but usually I'd have to tweak the setting waaay down for newer games. I just hope you aren't running vista.|||Simple, buy a cheap pen drive, 4gb. Put it into the usb, type ready boost into the start search box, apply and you now have an extra 4gb of ram. Daw.|||2gigs will probably be enough. i don't think an extra gig will help much, but if anything, it may slightly speed up how fast your game loads. that's about it.

Building a new pc can anyone tell me if this video card will work with this mainboard (mother)?

Mainboard (Motherboard)

Gigabyte GA-MA790X-DS4 AMD 790X Chipset ATX Socket AM2

(have this already only to find i need a video card)

looking at this

ASUS GeForce 8600GT 512Mb PCIe Video Card DVI nVidia

(cant find out if it is compatable)|||Yeah it will work with that motherboard..And at its max but the problem is that ur mobo is based on ATI crossfire technology under which u can use 2 graphic cards(GPU's) at the same time but that card is based on NVIDIA SLI technology.SO the only thing is that u wont be able to use 2 of them at the same time but with just one of them it will work absolutely fine...

Hope i helped

Smarth..|||Yes it will work .. but the problem is that the motherboard is an ATI supported mobo + the motherboard has a 2.0 version of pci-e slot you don't wanna use a 8600GT since this card is an old version (1.0 pci-e ) ,, what i mean that is the video card you are putting on this motherboard is very old , it will work ,, but the motherboard is too much for this card if you know what i mean ,, try buying a HD 4850 instead of 8600GT that's better !!|||It shall work, But you should be focusing on if you have a power supply that has enough amps on the 12v rail to handle that videocard.

a power supply without enough amps, Will cause system instability, Crashes, Overheating video card.|||Yes it will work.and you can consider use PCI -express 2 card|||Hi,

Yes it will work, It may not be the best choice, the video card is pci express version 1 and the motherboard is pci express version 2. If you get a PCI -express 2 card the performance will theoretically be better (all other thing equal) they seem a bit expensive though. Here is some further info.…

Around when will directx 10 games become popular that nearly every gamer has to have a Dx10 video card?

Is it worth to buy a directx10 video card now or wait untill directx 10 games become more popular?|||Microsoft will make their FSX directx 10 patch available in november - another directx 10 game "Crysis" is not due to be released 'till Q3 -2007 - My guess would be not untill later this year if you want to be able to enjoy the latest titles. Probably wont be until mid next year where one could say that "everyone" should have it. - The only directx 10 compatible card right now is the 8800 GTX|||wait until directx 10 cards drop into the sub-100$ range.

What does a video card do?

What does a video card do? Like what is the difference between a geforce 7300 and a 7950gx2? Why is a $500 card better than a $50 card|||although it isnt, i like to think of a video card as being like a bi-lingual translator. the better translator u have, the better you'll be able to understand the person on the other side.

a 7950gx2 is a really fast graphics card and in performance it'll look something like this:

7950gx2: 150 fps (frames per second, the higher the #, the smoother the actions on the screen)

7300: 15 fps....

anything below 29.9fps is "not very smooth" to the human eye. also it is not the amount of onboard memory that matters, but the processor that they use on the board. a 512 mb cheap card will get killed by a 256 mb expensive card.

for the 2 cards...there aren't any extra features. they are both gaming cards and are used for that purpose|||A video card provides output to your monitor from whatever applications are being run on the PC. All video cards provide enough basic processing power to display the output from standard windows programs, but vary in their ability to process large amounts of video data, such as performing video or picture editing, or gaming. The more powerful the processor, memory, and number of pipelines within a graphics card, the better it can handle high end tasks such as Adobe Premiere, or Quake 4.|||A video card is a hardware that enables the central processing unit of a computer to relay video ie moving pictures and still picture to the monitor or screen.

Ever since the invention of the video card, there has been consistent developments or up grading making the more fast and with more capabilities. This is why you ffind them differently named and priced. A $500 card can be better than a $50 card in the sence that it has more components which makes it more efficient hense more costly. You will actuall find out that a paticular card moght not display some pictures where as another can do.|||you should check this site|||A video card is responsible for displaying images onto your monitor. Without your video card you can't see anything on your monitor, desktops, web pages, etc. Now as far as to why a higher dollar card is better than the other? Well more likely it has more video RAM (RAM installed on the card itself, not pulling from the computer's motherboard memory banks) and also the higher dollar card may have more features than the cheaper one (can allow you to watch TV on your computer monitor, etc) Hope this helps you out.|||the more expensive the video card the better

its what makes it so you can see what your doing on your monitor the more expensive the card the better it can project images esp. during games and watching tv/movies

nVidia makes good video cards i would recomend|||the memory of the video card and the brand|||A video card converts information from the computer to something humans can see. The original use was only for text but as computers progressed so did the video card. By using the computers strongest asset, math, programmers began to generate geometry on the screen. Eventually the graphics became so complex that they started placing mini computers or graphical processing units (GPU's) on the video cards. On the low end cards you will find simple computers and small amounts of memory (128 Meg). On more advanced cards you can find multiple processors and up to 1 Gig of memory. There are other benefits to the more expensive cards but the bottom line is, if you are playing intense video games the more processors and memory the better.

What video games can i play with an Intel(R) GMA 3100 video card?

i wouold like to know what games i am able to play with this video card. be specific. i would also like to know some of the newest games i can play|||Unlike GMA X3100, GMA 3100 has no hardware vertex shader that is why it has poor 3D graphics acceleration. It is just good enough for internet games and the old Sims version.

GMA 3100 performs slightly better than GMA 950. Expect slightly better performance on the games with GREEN boxes at bottom part of this link;…|||You could run games that are 3-4 years old like COD 3 or Rollercoaster tycoon.

Can I change the video card on this laptop?

I have the Acer Aspire 5004. Can I install a new video card, like something from the ATI Radeon 9600 series on this thing, or am I up the creek without a paddle and stuck with what I have?|||Maintaining a laptop is expensive compares to desktop because computer technician has to open the keyboard up plus the tiny screws. You can't do it on your own. Please call your Acer technical support for more information on this matter or take it to your local laptop repair dealership like Best Buy.|||for laptop all are build on the main board. I don't think you can do yourself. go back to Acer service centre.|||Laptops aren't generally very customizable. You're basically stuck with what you've got.

Windows vista doesn't pick up my video card?

I installed a new video card, it is a gforce 9400gt 1gb... when it was not plugged in i went to device manager and disabled the on board then turned off computer installed card and turned back on. now it does not show the new video card or the onboard one and when i try to install the driver it says that there is no device in use. Anyone have any advice?|||hi, could be driver issue. hope this link can help you get a working driver and fix the problem:…

good luck

Will they make a direct x10 video card fot the old PCI slot?

I'm talking old skool PCI slot....I have workstation that I use with my company, an older computer that still works really well.....I'm gonna hafta get some new graphic rendering software that is only compatible with Direct x 10 and vista....I know my computer can run vista, but will they make a direct x 10 video card for the old school PCI slot as my workstation motherboard doesn't have AGP or PCI-E???|||Probably not. You will most likely have to upgrade to a PCI-e card.

I need 2.0 mbs on my video card for my game but I only have 1.4. Is there anyway I can erase something?

I need more mgs for the Sims 2 but I don't have the money to buy another video card. Can I erase something to get more mgs on it?|||video ram is pretty un changable, unless when you look at your vid card you see a removable ram stick. (some computers/vid-cards have upgradable video ram)|||what do you mean do you mean memory|||No, you can't add space to a video card. Sorry.

Also, are you sure that you have 1.4 Megs of video memory? That doesn't sound very common, memory usually is measured in factors of 2 (4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024...).

Also, i just checked the Sims 2 system requirements. You need a 2.0 ghz processor, but that's the only 2.0 that i see. And sadly, you can't add processor clock speed easily either.

Which video card is the best out of the following:

I currently have the NVIDIA GeForce 9500GS on my 64-bit quad core system running windows vista and I wanted to know which of the following is best for its price to upgrade to:

1) EVGA e-GeForce 8800GT 512MB PCI-Express Video Card ($149.99 [save $100])

2) BFG GeForce 9600GT 512MB PCI-E Video Card ($129.99 [save $120])

3) 3) XFX GeForce 8800 GT 512MB PCI-Express Video Card - Alpha Dog Edition ($149.99 [save $50])

4) BFG GeForce 8800 GT 512MB PCIe Video Card ($149.99 [save $100])

These are the hot offers currently at futureshop (bestbuy has none at the moment) and I am looking for one which will give me the best performance for its price. Here is my pc if this helps at all:

Please help me out here, I am still learning a lot about this stuff and am only 15. I am getting more and more into computers and your help is much appericiated!|||evga 8800gt

Would the following video card upgrade help my system run 3d games significantly better on high settings?

current video card: nVidia 7300 GS 512MB Video

video card I am looking to get: BFG GeForce 7950 GT / 512MB GDDR3 / SLI / PCI Express / Dual DVI / HDTV / Video Card for 270 dollars.

I just downloaded a 3dmark program and my score was 835 3d marks (SM2.0 score of 310). HDR/SM3.0 Score of 275 and a CPU Score of 1713...does this mean that my video card is the weakest link and if so will this new video card help out the performance of my Pentium D 3.4 ghtz 2gig DDRAM System for running 3d games like Guild Wars and Neverwinter Nights 2 on the highest quailty with little or less freeze frame lag compared to what I have now? Thanks.|||If you have that card and your game is lagging, you might need a RAM upgrade. The card you have now is fine. I run a 7800 256MB card on max settings while playing very intense games such as BF 2 and BF2142. I have great performance. I also run 3 gigs of shared RAM.

No need to upgrade that graphics card unless you have the money just lying around.

Will my AGPx8 video card work in my AGPx4 computer?

I got a new video card not too long ago and put it in my computer.It fit in perfectly with no struggle, but It didn't work correctly (it just displayed different colored lines going vertically from the monitor), so I took it into the computer shop. They said the card was broken, but then mentioned that the card is AGPx8 and my computer is AGPx4. They didn't know if that mattered, but they wanted me to check it out. So, would my AGPx8 video card (It's an ATI Radeon x1600pro GameFX Board series) work in my AGPx4 computer (It's a Gateway Intel(R) Pentium 4 CPU)? I hope someone can help, if you need some more information feel free to ask...Also, i'm not too great with computer hardware, mostly only software.|||Simple answer is yes. It will work. You just don't get the full benefit of 8x. I have an 8x Ati 9550 graphics card installed on my agp 4x motherboard and have no problems. Even played NFS Underground with it.|||It will work but you cannot use your card completely because your motherboard is AGP 4x support.|||No.

An agp4X card should work in an 8X slot, but not the other way around.|||You need to change the settings in BIOS appropriately to reflect the card change 4X/8X/.

For you Gateway, it should be the Del (or F1) key once the PC is starting (that's called POST (Power On Self Test). Once in BIOS, look for a setting in which you can set the correct speed accordingly. Hope that this bit of information helps. TRY NOT TO CHANGE OTHER SETTINGS unless you know what you're doing, if anything WRITE down what you're doing so that you can undo it appropriately.

I tried to download the Call of duty 4 demo, but it says my video card is not supported.?

How do I know what Video card I have on my system and how do I download this .

: NVIDIA(R) Geforce(TM) 6600 or better or ATI(R) Radeon(R) 9800 Pro or better The download page says that this is the minumum requirement|||Clearly you need to get that video card they recommend|||download this… and downlaod it.. open it and go to drivers and look for your video card. then go to the home page of the company like and then serch for the driver and download.|||If you didn't add a new video card then you probably have an on-board graphics chipset which is nowhere near what you need. Look for an nVidia GeForce 8500 GT or higher for best results.|||newest NVIDIA(R) Geforce(TM) is 7300 get the update.

go to your update link



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Can someone help me find the correct video card update for my Intel G33/G31 Chipset?

On the website but i cant seem to find which one would update my G33/G31 intel video card :S

can someone help?


What laptop video card do you need to run Test Drive Unlimited?

I have almost everything i need to run it but i dont know what video card i need.. i have a Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family. But it isnt good enough so does anyone have any ideas what i need|||Most laptops do not have the ability to upgrade the video card.

Dell and Alienware have models with upgradeable video cards.

Will my motherboard support a PCIe video card?

I've got a A7VBX-LA motherboard from HP Compaq, AMD Athlon 2800+ 2.07Ghz, and I was told i need to find out if my motherboard will support a PCIe Video card (ATI X1300 256MB Video Card).

I have no idea what i just said right there, but i'm hoping someone does. and if anyone knows the answer they're more of a genius than i could have possibly imagined. Any help?|||No, unfortunately that is an older A7 board which from the suffix it tells me that it was probably an HP motherboard originally.

You would be lucky if it even had AGP. The good news is that it is easy to identify. It would be about the same size as the White slots on the motherboard, but it would be a different color, it would be offset away from the back and it would be closer to the processor.

You can get the ATI x1300 in AGP as well as PCI-e.

Can i run nvidia 8500 gt video card?

i have a emachine t3304 with nvidia 6150 on board grafix card. i want to know if i can run the 8500 gt. i have a pci e and a 300w power supply. also do i need a power supply that has a pci power chord for the video card? or does it not need external power supply?|||When getting a new graphics card you have to take two factors into effect; whether it's PCI-E compatible (which it is) and whether your machine uses DDR1 (Old computers), DDR2 (todays computers), DDR3 (top notch machines ;) ). So I assume that you will be fine getting it ;), and no need for an extra power supply. If you have any more questions I very much advise that you contact your nearest "computer guy". Good luck.|||300 watt power. Doesn't look like it needs extra power cable.

Can a Sony Vaio PCV-RS630G use an HIS Hightech ATI Radeon X1650PRO 512MB 128-bit GDDR2 AGP 4X/8X Video Card?

I also have a 400 watt power supply. The computer is only about 3 years old. It has an AGP slot.

Sorry, I am really new to installing video cards. I know the difference between AGP, PCI and PCI-E but I have no clue if there are other things I need to consider before buying and installing the card. I am not too familiar with other terms such as 4x/8x. And have no clue if I need to know more about my motherboard or other parts of my computer before knowing if a video card will work.

Besides answering my basic question about if it will work, I would also really appreciate it if someone could tell me how to find this out for myself for future reference or tell me what needs to be done to make it work (if anything). Thank you very much in advance!|||just check and make sure your motherboard uses the agp standard instead of the new pci express.

the 4x/8x rate means it will work at those 2 speeds.

you can check the sony website for specs...i do all the time since i also have a sony vaio which i'm on right now.

thats a pretty good card too.

if you have lquid cooling like me, then there is not alot of room for add ons. the video card will be a tight fit and will almost overlap the next pci slot so plan accordingly. good luck!|||Yes, it has AGP8x slot.

Marketing Specifications…|||Nothing else you really need to consider. 8x is the speed of the card and slot. PCI is 1x, AGP can be 2x,4x, or 8x, and PCI-E is 8x or 16x. Any AGP card goes in any AGP slot, but if the slot is only 4x, and the card is 8x capable it will only run at 4x speed.

Which one give more graphic performance either Intel G965 integrated video or Nvidia 7300GS PCI-E video card?

My mobo comes with integrated Intel G965 Express video chipset.I have one Nvidia 7300GS 256MB DDR2 PCI-E video card.Is any performance gain using Nvidia card?Thanks!|||a 7300GS is considerably faster than the integrated graphics of the G965 chipset mainly due to the higher core clock, the 256MB dedicated memory and the hardware T&L (Transfer & Lighting) functionality.

both graphics have Pixel/Vertex shader version 3.0

the G965 has Open GL compliance 1.5 whilst the 7300GS has Open GL 2.0

How i will know that my video card is GDDR2 or DDR3?

How i will identify by looking them.

currently i am using XFX nvidia geforce 8400GS Graphics card.|||This card's memory type is DDR2|||…

You have ddr2 memory on the card.|||Why ??? The reason I asked was because you can use any Graphics card (PCI Express) in the machine if it already has that card

in it...the card does NOT have to have the same type mem to still work in your doesn't have to match the Ram type...

Video Card Troubles go on forever?

Accidently shorted out my video card and ordered a replacement via the web. It was a Radeon ATI, two weeks later, they said it wasn't compatible with my system. I asked a question what was a good video card for the money and good some good answers, but they were for PCI cards and not AGP. Now on the third card and from the box, it states the requirements and I meet or exceed them.

This is an XFX Geforce 7600 GS AGP card. The second card was an EVGA Geforce 7600 gs which didn't even want to fit into the slot without force which I was reluctant to do for fear of cracking the motherboard.

Anyone have experiences, bad experiences with these cards? And, what's the likely hood that I've received three cards that are defective?

I'll also mention that in the bios I reduced the apperture from 8x to 4x, the memory to 128 then 64, and turned off all the read write features that might have prevented it from even booting and that didn't even help it form a post code.|||Depending on your motherboard, AGP has different voltages. Older boards support only 3.3v cards, while some newer boards support only 1.5v cards. There are some boards that support both. The newest specification is for just 0.8 v. Supposedly they will fall back and accept 1.5v I looked for info on the XFX but did not find a voltage reading. The EVGA also did not have a voltage reading but said that it was AGP 3.0 so I am going to assume 0.8v. Check your motherboard and see what it supports. If it says only AGP or AGP 2x then you may be limited to 3.3v cards. Support for AGP 4x will get you to the 1.5v range and AGP 8x should be 0.8v.

There is also an AGP Pro slot. This slot has some different requirements and will accept a standard AGP card but will only work if it has a special tab. Check out the links below for some details about the AGP edge connectors and their differences between voltages. Good Luck.|||theres lots of settings you can change to tweak graphic cards but the problem here is you shouldnt have to force a agp card in a agp slot

the agp interface is the most complicated of all 3 graphic interfaces(agp.pci-e,pci-bus),this is because over the ten years agp has been around there has been many types of agp versions and bandwidths,these include....

1.agp 3.3v

2.agp 1.5v

3.agp universal

4.agp pro 3.3v

5agp pro 1.5v

6.agp pro universal

bandwidths...x1 / x2 / x4 / x8

AGP cards are backward and forward compatible within limits. 1.5 V-only keyed cards will not go into 3.3 V slots and vice versa, though "Universal" slots exist which accept either type of card. AGP Pro cards (rarely used) will not fit into standard slots, but standard AGP cards will work in a Pro slot. Some newer cards like nVidia's GeForce 6-series or ATI's X800-series only have keys for 1.5 V to prevent them from installing in older mainboards without 1.5 V support. The graphic cores can only handle 0.8 V for AGP8x and 1.5 V for AGP4x and will be damaged by 3.3 V slots. Some of the last modern cards with 3.3 V support were the nVIDIA GeForce FX series and the ATI Radeon 9500/9700/9800(R350) (but not 9600/9800(R360)).

However it is important to check voltage compatibility as some cards incorrectly have dual notches and some motherboards incorrectly have fully open slots. Furthermore, some poorly designed older 3.3 V cards incorrectly have the 1.5 V key. Inserting a card into a slot that does not support the correct signaling voltage may cause damage.

i hope this has helped,any problems let me know

good luck mate!

Windows XP NVIDIA video card update problem?

My girlfriend is trying to update her NVIDIA video card. I gave her a download link and when she tried to install it, it's asking for the Windows XP Professional SP3 disc.... and her video card is a NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500. I updated my video card drivers at the same time she did but I updated it with no problems.... Help?

Arigatou in advance. :3|||First off get the nvidia fx5500 drivers straight from nvidia. Second scan your system with a good anti virus program. You could very well have a virus. You should not need to install the third disk again. Go to updates and update your system. I had the same setup. Great graphic card for the time.

If i put 4 gigs of ram in a pentium 4 with an upgraded video card will the bottlenecking occur?

what if i kept the origional memory card?|||But what video card?

Not much info there.

Alright how can you tell if your video card is going bad?

i'm not sure if its my TV or if its my on board graphics but their are annoying lines going up my screen. not i'm pretty sure its not my TV because it works just fine with my xbox and Television. ha ha its kind of funny tho if it is because i'm so close to buying a new video card...|||It's either the video card or the VGA cable that you use. I'd recommend changing the cable to a DVI cable first. If that doesn't work, the best bang for your buck right now is the Sapphire Radeon HD 4830 because it's ranked as more powerful than the GeForce 9800 GTX but far less expensive.

I took my video card out to dust off now PC wont display anything after reinsertion, plus make warning beeps?

So I thought I was having an issue with my video card so I took it out to dust it off, after I reinserted it my pc wont show any display and i get these long beeps after i turn my pc on, Help please|||take it back out. re-insert it and make sure its fully seated in the slot.|||Sounds like a RAM issue, you may have bumped and unseated it while taking out your video card, try re seating your RAM.

Can anyone tell me what type of slot this video card uses "Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 900"?

PCI-X, PCI- EXPRESS 16X, PCI, AGP, PCI- EXPRESS 1X. IWANT TO UPGRADE MY CRAPPY VIDEO CARD, BUT DON'T KNOW THE SLOT I HAVE|||It's a chipset, not a card. It could be used on a card that used any of those slot types - or could be installed directly on the motherboard.|||The GMA is a chip, integrated thing; this is not of any use to determine the slot type, basically the most fool-proof way to check it out would be to open up the desktop and look inside. The slot types you see are distinctive and easily researched.

If this is a notebook, you are screwed; no way to upgrade it besides throwing enough money at it to buy an external Express-54 Card to achieve about GeForce 7600/Radeon 2600 quality. And such money could buy you either GeForce GTX 260 or Radeon 4870 if it were a desktop to begin with.

I am getting a new laptop and I am also looking to buy a game? Have a question about the video card?

I have a Mobility Radeon 9000 now. The minimum game video card requirements are to have a NVIDIA GeForce 4Ti or an ATI Radeon 9600 with 128 mb vram.

The laptop I want to buy has this. ATI Radeon Xpress 1150 Hypermemory with 256 vram.

Will my new laptop run the game?|||Yes it will run the game

What does a video card do?

What does a video card do? Like what is the difference between a geforce 7300 and a 7950gx2? Why is a $500 card better than a $50 card|||although it isnt, i like to think of a video card as being like a bi-lingual translator. the better translator u have, the better you'll be able to understand the person on the other side.

a 7950gx2 is a really fast graphics card and in performance it'll look something like this:

7950gx2: 150 fps (frames per second, the higher the #, the smoother the actions on the screen)

7300: 15 fps....

anything below 29.9fps is "not very smooth" to the human eye. also it is not the amount of onboard memory that matters, but the processor that they use on the board. a 512 mb cheap card will get killed by a 256 mb expensive card.

for the 2 cards...there aren't any extra features. they are both gaming cards and are used for that purpose|||A video card provides output to your monitor from whatever applications are being run on the PC. All video cards provide enough basic processing power to display the output from standard windows programs, but vary in their ability to process large amounts of video data, such as performing video or picture editing, or gaming. The more powerful the processor, memory, and number of pipelines within a graphics card, the better it can handle high end tasks such as Adobe Premiere, or Quake 4.|||A video card is a hardware that enables the central processing unit of a computer to relay video ie moving pictures and still picture to the monitor or screen.

Ever since the invention of the video card, there has been consistent developments or up grading making the more fast and with more capabilities. This is why you ffind them differently named and priced. A $500 card can be better than a $50 card in the sence that it has more components which makes it more efficient hense more costly. You will actuall find out that a paticular card moght not display some pictures where as another can do.|||you should check this site|||A video card is responsible for displaying images onto your monitor. Without your video card you can't see anything on your monitor, desktops, web pages, etc. Now as far as to why a higher dollar card is better than the other? Well more likely it has more video RAM (RAM installed on the card itself, not pulling from the computer's motherboard memory banks) and also the higher dollar card may have more features than the cheaper one (can allow you to watch TV on your computer monitor, etc) Hope this helps you out.|||the more expensive the video card the better

its what makes it so you can see what your doing on your monitor the more expensive the card the better it can project images esp. during games and watching tv/movies

nVidia makes good video cards i would recomend|||the memory of the video card and the brand|||A video card converts information from the computer to something humans can see. The original use was only for text but as computers progressed so did the video card. By using the computers strongest asset, math, programmers began to generate geometry on the screen. Eventually the graphics became so complex that they started placing mini computers or graphical processing units (GPU's) on the video cards. On the low end cards you will find simple computers and small amounts of memory (128 Meg). On more advanced cards you can find multiple processors and up to 1 Gig of memory. There are other benefits to the more expensive cards but the bottom line is, if you are playing intense video games the more processors and memory the better.

Whats the white connector called that connects to your video card?(read please)?

You know how theres white inputs in the back for certain video cards? Well whats the connector called it hooks up the the other end of the VGA cable then it connects to the video card....? Serious answers would greatly be appreciated thank you...|||Are you referring to a VGA to DVI adaptor?|||That is where the optional microwave plugs in.

Need help on knowing what video/graphic card to get to play skyrim.?

im not very familiar with video cards so if someone could help me out on which one will let me play skyrim on the highest setting i would appreciate it. Thanks|||If you have the money, go with something like GTX 550 ti/ HD 6870 and above, I can assure you'll get the highest setting.

Need a low profile graphics/video card !?

I'm looking for a graphics/video card that will be able to fit my pc case. I'm on a Dell Inspiron 530S[Slim].

One that will run high quality games such as GTA, Devil May Cry 4, Fallout, Dead Space 2[maybe].

Preferably for $150 or less.

Any recommendations? Thanks|||go with Nvidia GeForce GTX 275 or ATI Radeon HD5830

I have a HP Pavilion a6400f PC and I was wondering how can I upgrade my video card if it's attached to the mb?

My video card is attached to the motherboard and so is everything else. I want to upgrade my v-card so I can play more online games i.e. Aion, Warhammer Online, etc.. Please help! Thanks|||If your video card is integrated into the motherboard (as in its not a separate card that is attached to one of the slots in the motherboard) you cant upgrade that. You can however buy a graphics card that attaches to an expansion slot in the motherboard. And if your current graphics card is in an expansion slot already, it will be easy to replace the current one with a new one. If getting a new card... make sure he slot matches the slot type on the motherboard. The are 2 standard out there right now, AGP and PCIe. PCIe is newer and more common but the are still motherboards and graphics card in the AGP format so make sure you get the right kind.|||if you have the pcie slot is the only way - if not, then you are out of luck - is there a diff color slot (about same length) above all the white slots? that may be it. then you can buy a card

Video card for Gateway GT5692?

I want to run dual monitors (22" each) and am looking for a video card that fits my computer and will have two DVI spots. My main problem is I don't know what will fit in my computer. I am not really a gamer, but just watch lots of videos and stuff like that. Thanks for the help.|||PCI-express; but with only a 300 watt power supply, that might be asking for problems.

Will overclock make my CPU/Video card run slower in the future?

I overclocked my video card and my CPU and been running for a month. Everything is stable. But does overclock make my CPU/Video card run slower in the future or when it just shorten the lifespan only?

Thanks|||It will shorten the life span and I guess you could say it will make your computer run slower as it will eventually have a speed of 0 Ghz when it fries the processor. With todays computer speeds I don't understand why anyone would want to overclock their processor and video card?|||no it just makes it where it dies suddenly on you lol... but when it works, it works|||It depends on how much it's overclocked as to the lifespan of the component(s), but it won't run slower in the future - it's not like a battery, or something that loses power over time. As long as it's stable and not damaged, the hardware should run at the same speed indefinitely.|||u can over clock .it may generate more heat...check for maximum speed while over clocking.........|||no it wont , however overclocking shortern's the life of the device if you dont have sufficent coolibng that can keep up tih the overclock.

overclocking just runs more elctricity in a device then normal, therefore making it hotter and without sufficient cooling it will burn the device.|||overclocking won't but over voltage will. my video card is running OC almost 6 momths now and is very stable. overclocking very high might also degrade your cpu and will evetually die or run slower in the future. always take caution and care when overclocking. always monitor your temps.

What is the best video card to put into a dell inspiron 531s desktop?

I own a Dell Inspiron 531s Desktop and im pulling hairs on which card to buy..i want a decent card to be able to keep up with the newest games such as call of duty but i don't to be paying hundreds of dollars..Can anybody please help?|||Unfortunately, you can't put high-end gaming cards into any slimline desktop.

Slimline computers can only accept low-profile graphics cards. And the midrange cards in the $125-$250 range aren't manufactured in low-profile, only full-height models exist.

Moreover, slimline computers have weaker power supplies than regular tower desktops. And unlike regular tower desktops, those power supplies are proprietary (so you can't just replace them with a regular ATX power supply from Newegg or Amazon)

You'll need to open your computer case and read the label on your power supply. If it's only 250 watt (which I believe is standard for the Dell Inspiron 530s and 531s) then you're kinda stuck. The best low-profile graphics card that works on such a low-wattage power supply is the GeForce GT430. But it's a bit overpriced at $70…

The Radeon HD 5570 is slightly faster and costs less, but there's a catch... it draws more power. Because of the higher power draw (and there's very little leeway with a 250W slimline power supply) it might not work without a power supply upgrade. You could try it, though.…

Now if you upgraded you power supply, you could definitely run the 5570. In fact you could even run faster low-profile cards like the GeForce GT 440 or Radeon HD 5670 (those are what you'd really want for playing Call of Duty)……

Here's a better power supply for the Inspiron 531s:

So you're looking at $60-$70 for a graphics card alone, or about $125 for a better card along with a power supply. But that's as good as it gets for a slimline.

To play cutting-edge games really well, you need a regular tower computer that can accept standard graphics cards and power supplies. If you had the regular tower model Inspiron 531, you'd have better upgrade options.

Performance:……|||Cheapest option $50:

Radeon 4670 (5570 and GTX 430 are all in the same performance/price range so those are good choices too).

This is a low power consumption video card and it should play games but it won't be a great card. You'll have to play on low-med settings.

If you want to play the higher end games, you're going to need a new power supply.

Less than $100 option:

9800 GT 256-bit 512MB GDDR3. - $50

430w Power Supply - $30ish

I'll run COD on med graphics pretty well. It'll give you about 30% more performance over the 4670.

Less than $200 option:

GTX 460 256-bit 768MB GDDR5 $100ish


GTX 460 SE 256-bit 1GB GDDR5 $100ish

500w Power Supply w/ two 6-pin PCIE connectors $50ish. It's ok to get one with only one pcie connector if you get a molex-to-pcie connector cable.

This is a legit video card and will run almost any game on max settings pretty well. It'll slightly overpower your cpu in some games. This will be more than 3x better than the first options, and more than twice the performance of the 9800 GT. GTX 460 (Fermi) is a very famous card amongst gamers.



Shop around for the GTX 460. I've seen them get down to $90. If you don't care about refurbished:…

(This comes with just the card, so you might need to buy a 4-pin molex to 6pin PCIE connector ($5).

For Power Supplies, I'd lurk around and find a good deal on an Antec, Corsair, or OCZ power supply. If you don't want to wait, it's around $40-50 for the power supply.|||5570 or GT 430

Low wattage PSU's and GPU's Guide ...…

Video card upgradde on desktop?

i need to upgrade my video card on my desktop. can somebody tell me what i need to do. where i need to go?|||First off you'll need to figure out what's inside your desktop. Does it have PCI-E, PCI, or AGP slot(s)?

If it was premade you'll need to find out what motherboard they used. You'll need to get more information in order to get a specific answer. If it's a premade PC you can get the specifications from the company's webstie (e.i.

Is the AMD M880G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 video card good?

I was just wondering if the AMD M880G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 was a good video card.

BTW i'm using a laptop.

It also has a AMD Athlon(tm) II Dual-Core M300 processor.|||No it's not. The Radeon HD 4200 is an integrated graphics card.

How to know the name of an video card with out the installer of the video card?

i dnt know the model of my video card because it was formatted|||try downloading GPUID|||Simple: device manager. FYI you can't erase a piece of silicon, you can remove the driver, but you CANNOT reformat the card, it's a physical piece of hardware inside of your compute. If you need more information than the windows device manager can provide about your video card, then you should download a program like GPU-z.|||Weebert: Go to, go to "downloads"; search for "PC Wizard"; download it (best way is to hit "run" when download window opens. After downloaded start the program and it will identify your video card ( and a lot of other things).

This should solve your problem!!! Cbill

What's a good video graphic card?

I have a Vaio laptop right now to game with. Works great but when I bought SWTOR and played it, it sucked @$$. Im going to get a desktop so that I can get a good video card. Are there any god ones at best buy? I was looking at XFX - Radeon HD 6750 1GB DDR3 PCI Express Graphics Card. I dont know if it's good enough or not, hopefully someone knows.|||For me, a Geforce 9800 GT 1GB is sufficient. Can play almost any game at ultra high with great fps, and for a cheap price.|||The One that your Looking is worth About $90 ~ $120 (Varies from Store to Store)

Look What i am using Right Now is

GTX 570M Nvidia (For Laptops)

^ I'd actually Recommend that one IF you use NoteBook

Or if you prefer the Desktop I Recommend you Nvidia GeForce GT 430

Price Range = $70 ~ $80 (Your Looking for Affordable Cheap One)

Nvidia GeForce GT 430 graphics card specifications :

GPU Engine Specs:

CUDA Cores : 96

Graphics Clock (MHz) : 700 (DDR3) MHz

Processor Clock (MHz) : 1400 MHz

Texture Fill Rate (billion/sec) : 11.2

Memory Specs:

Memory Clock (MHz) : 800 – 900 (DDR3)

Standard Memory Config : 1 GB DDR3/GDDR5(2GB per GPU)

Memory Interface Width : 128-bit

Memory Bandwidth (GB/sec) : 25.6 – 28.8

Feature Support:

NVIDIA 3D Vision Ready

NVIDIA PureVideo® Technology* HD

NVIDIA PhysX-ready

NVIDIA CUDA Technology

Microsoft DirectX 11

OpenGL 4.0

Bus Support : PCI-E 2.0 x 16

Certified for Windows 7

Display Support:

Maximum Digital Resolution : 2560×1600

Maximum VGA Resolution : 2048×1536

Standard Display Connectors : HDMI

VGA (optional)

Dual Link DVI

Multi Monitor



Audio Input for HDMI : Internal|||Best buy has a very limited selection in the stores not to mention they are a bit overpriced compared to what you can find them for online. You should get a Nvidia GTX 560 Ti, or ATI Radeon 6950. Sounds like you still need the desktop first, but generally speaking, these are good cards to have. There is a little better out there, but for the price, those 2 are good buys.|||A real good graphics card thats around 170-250 bucks is the Nvidia Geforce GTX 560, Can play any game on highes settings smoothly. For like 400-700 bucks you can get the Bes graphics card out to date, The Nvidia Geforce GTX590. Won't need to buy anything ever again.|||Well how much are you willing to spend on the desktop all together?

What video card should I use?

I've got a new HP dx4710-09, but it came with a sub-par integrated graphics card. (Intel GMA 3100) I want to upgrade it, but I cant spend over $120 on a video card+installation. I'm not great with computers, so I don't want to install it myself. What card should I buy that's worth it's cost? I've researched the graphics card slots my computer has, and it only has 2. What should I do?|||I believe your computer has a PCI-Express x16 slot for a video card, so any of the current entry-level to midrange gaming cards will work.

Video cards aren't complicated to install, you literally take off the cover, remove one screw, slide the card into the slot and put the screw back.

Takes under 2 minutes with nothing more than a Phillips screwdriver. But if you're not a computer kinda person and still concerned about breaking something, use the $5 installation plan- buy pizza for a computer-techy friend or neighbor and have them put the video card in for you :)

The best card in your price range is the Radeon 4830, it's under $100 and performs like many $120 cards. However, that card might require a power supply upgrade. You can drop down to a Radeon 4670 or GeForce 9600GT, which would almost certainly work without having to upgrade anything else.|||something like this would be perfect:…

it is super easy to install, just pop it in the slot and install the drivers from the disk....that's it.

If i have a NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS video card what type of slot is that?

I'm trying to figure what what kind of graphic card i can fit into that same slot as a replacement but not sure what kind of slot that is.|||It depends, the 8400GS is available in both PCI-Express x16 and old PCI versions. You'll want to check your computer's motherboard to see what slots it has.…

In that picture, the green slot is PCI-E x16. Notice it's indented slightly further in than your regular old PCI slots (the shorter white ones). The really short yellow slots are PCI-E x1

However, the 8400GS is a lousy card, don't waste money on it. For just $10 more you can get cards 3-4 times better, like the GeForce G210, 9500GT & GT220... or Radeon HD 5450 and HD 4650.


Most 8400GS cards on Newegg sell for about $30. But look at these:………………|||Check how your graphics looks on the internet and you will be able to see what slot have to be for your graphics card.

After it, compare your graphics card with another graphics card slot input.

Btw GeForce 8400 GS uses a single slot fan sink.

New graphics card may require better power supply if is bellow 450 watt and also can require PCI adapter.

For NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT graphics card power supply have to be at least 450watt (At least = enough). That means 500watt power supply is enough for better gaming graphics card.

So that mean GeForce 8800GT requires a little more power than yours graphics and power supply can be weaker than 450watt. If you will go for better graphics card, make sure your power supply is good enough.

Ting Ting Tiding (but slot is not that much important): He have to know what slot his graphics card used before buying, because if he buys the graphic card with wrong slot, his motherboard will not let him to add a graphics card that uses wrong slot.

Proto = For $10 or even $20 more he can't get the new graphics card like 9500GT. At the least must be used, fake or something like that.|||as for ur concern it's a PCI EX x16 1.0 bus slot.

but slot is not that much important. I mean a 2.0 bus speeded graphics card can be run in 1.0 EX x16 slot. it may not give u it's best bt it works fine. 'm using 9800gt 2.0 in my 1.0ex x16 slot. & it's works fine. U should watch out for ur PSU. it must be at least 600w.|||I would recommend you to buy EVGA GeForce GTX460 1024 MB DDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card with Lifetime Warranty

*GeForce GTX 460 with 675 MHz core clock

*PCI Express 2.0

*1024 MB 256 bit 2.5ns GDDR5 memory

*3600 MHz memory clock and 1350 MHz shader clock

*Windows XP, Vista and Windows7 support

Monday, May 7, 2012

Can I replace an ATI All-In-Wonder card with a new video card but keep the tv tuner?

I'm upgrading from an ATI All-In-Wonder 9000 to a Radeon x1650. The All-In-Wonder came with a tv tuner and I don't know if it was all on one card or if the tv tuner was separate from the graphics card, there by allowing me to install a new card but keep the tuner. Thanks!|||no u will lose the tuner unless u get another one with a tuner .. u can get a seperate pci tuner card also ..

I just bought a new video card?

I just got a new video cards its a Radeon 2600 HD Pro and I have a 250 watts max power supply. The other things i have is just a few fans, 2 80 gig harddrives, one sata, 2 512 ram's, a 2.4 processor, and just ordinary mobo. Do i need to get a more powerful power supply?|||Yes, you should get one around 400w.|||Yes.|||yes

Can I keep my video card fan at max always?

Any harm in keeping a GPU fan at max besides the noise? My card has been overheating lately (tried new drivers, all fans are working and airflow is the same) so I want to keep it on 100% fan speed. Just want to know if this somehow harms the card or something like that.|||Won't hurt a thing.

How much power does this video card need?

I'm wondering if my power supply can handle this video card but I don't know how to read the specifications of the video card to see how much power it requires.

For the record I have a Dell Dimension 2400, it sucks.|||you have a 250w power supply which is god awful. Although that card looks pretty basic so I would imagine it would work. It depends what else you have extra in that system|||…

This web address can tell you...type into address bar

What video card do you recommend for my system.?

I currently have a 8400GS. When i bought it it ran perfectly but now its kinda getting slow on some games like CoD4 which i used to be able to play with no problem.

My power supply is only 300 watts I have PCI-E what video card do you recommend. My computer is a Gateway GT5220|||Causes:

There is too much junk, viruses, and/or spyware on your computer

The card is overheating, so it underclocks itself to cool down.


Clean off the junk, scan for viruses and spyware

Make sure the fan works ( The fan makes a huge difference in temperature (of 20 C or more))

EDIT: Also defrag your hard drive to increase performance.|||if you like nvidia graphics chips, check their site on what they recommend. I know that most of their cards require 500W or more for a power supply.|||Well you can't really get anything much better w/ a 300W PSU. The slowing down might not be the Graphics cards but more of the RAM. RAM isn't expensive so i would advise you to try that option first. Make sure the ram is compatible with your Motherboard.|||The truth is theres not much you can do with a 300 watt psu, i'd upgrade that, and then get a radeon hd 4850 or 4870, or if you like nvidia go for the 9800GTX+. It all depends on your budget. If your willing to spend more you could go for a radeon hd 4870 x2, or a geforce gtx 260, 280, or 295. But all of those will require a 450 watt psu at a minimum, probably around 500-600 watts to be safe.

Adapter for laptop video card?

I recently bought a old laptop which comes with standard 15pins video card ,but I have a joystick which is 15 pins plug(bigger plug) for desktop,,,how can I put/connect this joystick into laptop without buying a USB joystick,,,Is there a adapter which can link up these 2 ? |||You can't - you need to invest in a new joystick.

My computer has a slow page refresh rate on the internet. Should I get more RAM, video card,ect.?

CPU- Intel Celeron 2.50GHz

FSB speed- 400MHz

Cache L1- 8Kb

Cache L2- 12Kb

Video Card- no video card- internal motherboard graphics |||internet refresh rate is dependent on your internet service provider. if you're using dial up or DSL you wont get as fast of internet service as cable or fios.|||A slow internet really bothers a lot. But why an internet connection becomes slow after few days? The reasons may be many. There is a nice article on slow internet and its solution in the following link. Definitely it will help in optimizing internet connection in your system.Have a look on the following.…

|||Mercuri is right.

Go into Control Panels and then open "System" to see how much RAM you have. If you have less than 1GB (1024MB) consider going to and getting more.

Beyond that, upgrade your internet connection to cable or try getting and running a copy of Windows Defender from to see if you have some spyware slowing you down.

Your PC is otherwise fine for internet.|||Page Refresh is a result of your internet service provider and wouldn't be affected by video card or RAM (unless you have, very, very low RAM, which is a possibility)|||

HI this website will help you alot

Good Luck

My pc is 2years old and i want to upgrade ram and the video card how much would this all cost?

its hp and i need more ram and a good video card how much would it cost? and i live in sydney but i dont know anyone to call|||Depending on how nice you want to the video card, I think I could roughly say $150 for a relatively nice video card + $20 for the RAM if you use DDR2|||between 150$ and 250$, maybe less if u really skimped on them.|||it depends but you can find good sales I bought a gig of ram for 70 dollars on sale and ballpark for video card on sale the same 70|||What is the model # and i can tell you exactly because it all depends on the ram. Because there is PC133 ram that is 7 years old that costs more than PC3200|||Go to and install and run the system scanner. It will tell you what you can upgrade, and give you a good idea of prices. As far as buying in Sydney, sorry, can't help you there.

What is the best way to install my new video card?

I currently have a Geforce 8800 GTS, and I am upgrading to the Radeon HD 4890. My only real concern is the order in which I do things. Should I first uninstall my Nvidia drivers, then change the graphics cards, then install the ATI drivers? Or, should I change the graphics cards, then uninstall the old drivers and install the new drivers? Thanks!|||Your first instinct was correct:

--Uninstall nVidia drivers

--Remove nVidia card

--Install ATI card

--Boot PC

--Install ATI drivers

That should give you the cleanest install of your new card and drivers.

Enjoy!!|||will not matter either way you do it. you dont even have to unintall the old drivers if you dont want to that way if your new card fails you can just throw your old one backin till it is replace and you wont have to load drivers again for the old card. but i would recoment unistalling any software that loaded with the old card.|||remove the old card and install the new one be careful you don't wont to damage the old or new card with static best bet would to keep one of your arms touching the metal case while working inside the case.

I need help finding a video card that is compatible with my system.?

i have a dell optiplex 210 L, Intel Pentium 4, CPU 2.80GHz, Installed memory RAM is at 1.00 GB, the system right now is a 32-bit operating system, my power supplies max wattage is 230w, my question is what is the best video card can i get with this performance? i am not really a computer junky so i need some advice, thank you :)|||depends what kind of pins you have (the power cords coming out of the psu) and what kind of a pci express you have. I would suggest getting a new pc, your specs are pretty bad man and you would have trouble with the card.

What is the best video card I can use with a Dell Dimension 4550?

Need a new graphics card.|||nVidia 9800

Which Video Card and Memory are better for gaming?

Video Card:

Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X4500HD


ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 5650 GPU

Memory (Both are 8GB):

Shared Dual Channel DDR2 at 800MHz


DDR3-SDRAM-1066|||The ATI 5650 and ddr3 are both better than Intel graphics and ddr2|||the ATI modility Radeon is WAY better then the intel media accelerator, which will choke on anything 3d and leach off other system parts. the DDR3 ram will be faster then the DDR2, and you will notice a diffrence between the too, but its not nearly as critical as the graphics.|||look into which ones will actually work on your motherboard

What video card to get?

I need a video card to replace on-board graphics on my desktop. I need it to play Left 4 Dead 2 on medium graphics or higher. I am on a budget of $100. Thanks in advance.|||From a quick look, it seems like the ATI Radeon HD 5670 is going to be the best card you can get on that budget, which is more than enough for your needs. I don't know enough about the different graphics card manufacturers to give you a specific brand to buy though.|||It does not take much to run L4D on high I would reccomend a 8800/9800 series card from nvidia or a HD4850 or from AMD if you want to run with all the eyecandy, if you want to game cheap, those are the ways to go.

they are old now but you can buy them used for about 50 bucks and they perform well in many other games,|||for that price Sapphire HD5570 1GB DDR3 Graphics Card is the best choiche for me A great value graphics card from a great brand. This also comes with vga! and is good for things like crossfire. Another thing is it's not power hungry and very efficient, the fan is quiet, and made of metal (i thought it would be made of plastic) and looks decent.|||Get the Nvidia GTS 450. It is probably the best card at the price of sub $100.…

This link has it for $90 after rebate. Make sure your motherboard has PCI x16 2.0 and also have big enough power supply (500W at least).

It beats HD5570 by a mile.|||if you looking for older game like that then id suggest the nvidia geforce 9500gt or a 9400gt both will run it high settings just upgraded my 9400gt for a 450gts and was able to play it on max|||Try getting an Nvidia Geforce. Also, a good website with low prices is|||Either Geforce or ATI HD Radeon.

Not going to get very far on 100 bucks though.

How to clear space on video card ?

i wanna play warcraft 3 . and it useto run fine

but now it says i need directx and video card , blah blah etc.

so i was wonderin how to clear space up on ur video card ?

any tips , thanks|||It looks like you are missing directx which is a software program. Please visit the following site to install the software: To see if your video card is supported, then visit the Warcraft website at:… By the way, you do not clear up space on your video card.|||A video-card contains video-ram which is like your normal computer RAM. There is no space on the video-card for the processor on the card takes care of the memory allocation. If your playing Warcraft 3, than the card knows to give more memory to the game.|||You cannot clear space on your video card. What i would suggest is getting a new card. You need to know some information before you do that like what kind of slot in on your motherboard, but from there you just need to show away!|||Try installing the latest DirectX and drivers for your card. If that doesn't work buy a better video card.|||you don't

Motherboard and Video card compatibility?

I have an ASUS P4T-E Motherboard and an AMD 64 Athlon X2

I want to upgrade my video card but i dont know what is compatible with my current specs

How do i know what is compatible? I was thinking something along the lines of the nVidia 8800gt (or maybe better)

I'd like to know soon so i can save up to upgrade before Empire total war comes out!!|||For motherboards with AGP slots, the best video card you can buy is the Radeon 3850. Next best would be the Radeon 2600XT or Geforce 7600GT.|||No, that motherboard has an AGP slot, and all the newest cards use PCI-E 2.0. You need a new motherboard.|||maybe

Can i run windows 7 aero with the NVIDIA GEFORCE 4 MX4000 128MB AGP VIDEO CARD?

i might want to buy this card but not sure if it will run aero which is what i want?|||No, that video card is not built to run Aero. It's a video card from around 2002 that was built using hardware designed around 1999 and introduced in 2000.

You will need something a bit more modern, even if all you're trying to do is run Aero on an old computer. I would recommend the card below. Alternatively, any cheap nVidia 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, GT2, GT4 or ATI 9, X, X1, HD2, HD3, HD4, or HD5 series card you can find should do just fine.

I'm assuming by the fact that you posted the 4 MX card with the most RAM available at the time that you're not quite sure of what to look for in graphics cards. First, RAM doesn't matter nearly that much. A low-end graphics card (nVidia 6200, 7300, 8400, etc.) gains almost nothing when you pile on RAM. There was, for a time, a 512MB GeForce 6200 on sale, and people purchased it over much better and more expensive graphics cards because they figured the RAM was all that mattered - they basically got suckered into spending $80 for a graphics card that was no faster than the $25 version.

Also, since your computer is unable to run Aero as-is, you might want to consider getting a new one altogether. Spending even $50 to upgrade a computer to display the Aero Glass effects isn't a great value compared to spending the $200-400 getting a new one.|||That is a pretty old graphic card. I'm not 100% sure but I am leaning more along the lines of no for that card supporting aero fully. You might be able to get a preview of the applications running when you mouse over but the live preview and aero peek functions probably won't work.

But don't quote me on that.|||, the better the card the better the aero effect, i would recommend a 512mb video card or higher

for example a geforce 7300 gt 512mb agp video card ,|||this card will not do a thing for your computer

u need fx cards if you support agp graphics slot - i suggest the 7600GT

Will this video card work? Any better suggestions?

Ok, so this is my desktop that I have HP d4100y…

except i got a 2.8ghz pentium d, 3 gigs instead of 1, and geforce 6200.

i've been wanting to upgrade the video card. i was thinking about the 8800 but u guys have any suggestions, comments? Thanks|||8800 are hard to come by now, the new equivelant is the 280 bt you don't need ot spend $350 on that, go with the 9800GTX+ form new egg, they have several for $130

Hope this helps|||Yes

Nvidia Geforce 8800 is PCI Express

Your desktop is PCI Express|||8800GT no one use those anymore and it hard to get.

Get a Ati 4850 or Nvidia 9800 GTX+

How do i install a second video card if another is in it?

I currently have a crappy 64mb card in my pc.I just bought a new one .How would i install it?Would i stick it in with the old one and install the drivers and disable the old one?Or what?If you you could give me some details i would be happy.Thanks|||Backup PC, Remove the old Graphics Card. Uninstall Drivers, Insert New Graphics Card. install New Drivers|||If you remove the old one and install the new one, the computer will automatically recognize that the old one is gone and eliminate it for you. If the old one is an on-board one, you may need to access the BIOS and tell the computer to disable it. Some motherboards automatically disable the on-board when they detect the new one.

If you are trying to run 2 monitors simultaneously, just make sure that both of the video cards are identical.|||Uninstall your video drivers for current card. Shut down PC and remove old card. Insert new card and make sure it is seated properly and all connections are good. Fire up PC and install drivers for new card.|||If the old one is AGP the motherboard have only one slot but have many PCI and you can have 2 video cards one agp and one pci.

If you buy a new agp then install first the software or drivers next go to control panel,system,devicemanager and there uninstall the old one,then shutdown your pc then install the new agp card then boot your pc.

I installed a ati radeon hd 4650 video card and now i have no sound?

i installed this video card and now i have no sound. the card works great as far as graphics and whatever but i dont have any sound i tried updating all the drivers i could but nothing has worked. if anyone knows what i could do plz help, i can tell my pc specs if it would help, thanks|||Maybe you should reinstall the video card ...|||Hi:

The reason that the sound has gone, is that your card supports HDMI sound, and, when installed, it gets the primary sound device for your PC.

To get the sound back do the following:

Right clink on the little speaker icon at the taskbar, then select "PlayBack Devices", and now you will see a small window showing the current audio devices installed.

By what you say, it must be checked an option that says something like "HDMI Audio" or the like; to get the audio back you must select and set as default, an option that says "Speakers" or something like that, depending on the type of soundcard your PC has.

Can this video card work with my computer?

I have a Dell Dimension E520... The video card is Any more questions just ask, if you could help at all please and thank you.|||you will need at least a 400 w power supply. It only comes with a 305 watt power supply. other than that the dell is pci-e so yeah just upgrade the power supply.|||Yes, but that's not a terribly good video card. What's your budget? If you want a good midrange card, you're going to have to replace the power supply as well, but that depends on how much you can spend.|||The card is compatible with the motherboard but it requires a 400W power supply and the one in the E520 is only 305W according to Dell's web site, if you upgrade that as well you should be good.|||Yes it will, but think about power supply. May need more power with the addition of this card. Also this card will not improve graphics much as it is a pretty low end card

What processor, RAM, video card to buy for new computer?

If I buy a new PC with quad processors, what RAM should I get? I.e., how much GB and MHz of RAM? Should I get a video card? The PC will be a desktop unit running Windows XP. I run AutoCAD (some light 3D modeling), Excel, Word, Firefox and occasional light photo work. Tend to run multiple applications at once, and performance here is a big issue. Thanks!!!|||2 gb at 400mhz ram is standard now and extremely cheap (something like $80).

For a videocard you won't need anything fancy, a radeon hd 2900 would be perfect. If anything you won't even need that, get something like a radeon x1650 pro, they cost about $100 now and have the raw power to run autocad without the fancy pipelining for games.|||Processor: A Core 2 Duo. (A 6series, not 4)

RAM: 1GB +

GPU: An Nvidia 8500gt or 8600gt would be ok for you.


Does a video card have anything to do with faster live video?

My live video freezes all the time. Will a better card solve this or might it be the processor..2.7|||Could be due to a lot of things, including a slow Internet connection. You need to narrow it down before plopping a bunch of cash on a new vid card that you probably don't need.

Will the XFX 9800gt video card fit into my computer?

i ahve a gateway gt5674 and i dont know what card i wnat to get for it cause it does not say PCI express-2.0. it says pci express but not 2.0? will this card still run in my comp?|||All PCIe 2.0 cards will work on the older PCIe 1.0/1.1 slots.

You may just have to upgrade your PC's 300W power supply to a 400W unit. The 9800GT graphics card draw up to about 80 watts mainly on +12V rail. Processor, its voltage regulator circuit, fans and drive motors could be consuming up to about 125 watts also on +12V rail.

The +12V rail of your 300W power supply may not be able to fully power the 9800GT set up or the PSU could get severely stressed if it works at all.|||Yes, the XFX 9800gt will fit.

No, it won't run with the 300 watt gateway gt5674 power supply.

Minimum Power Requirements:

9800 GT models

Minimum of a 400 Watt power supply.

(Minimum +12 Volt current rating of 26 amps)

An available 6-pin PCI Express power connector

Video Card for Toshiba Tablet Laptop?

I need a new video card for my Toshiba Tablet Laptop that has at least 128 MB of video memory. Thanks!|||Not possible but try and contact Toshiba.|||not possible, time for a new laptop.|||you can't upgrade it

Quick question about taking out a video card?

I'm taking out the video card that I put into my desktop computer a few years ago, and I was wondering if all I have to do is take it out? Will my computer automatically go back to onboard video, or do I need to do something with that four wired cord (red/black/black/yellow) that was plugged into my video card? Thanks!!|||You don't need to do anything with the power cord to your old video card, unless you install a new one that needs it. The integrated video card on your motherboard is soldered on, and requires no plugs. As mentioned, just turn it on through your BIOS if you need to (the start-up screen before windows loads... usually you push DEL, or some other key to get into it).|||Normally it will revert right back.. unless you disabled onboard in the bios. Otherwise.. you are good to go with pulling it out.|||it should...try it...the worst thing that it could do is not work so then just put it back in

What is the best, economical video card to get for Half-Life 2, Battlefield, Doom 3, etc.?

I would like to obtain a decently economical (under 200) video card for use in HL2, Battlefield 2, Doom 3, etc.

Also, this will be going into a Media Center Edition computer. Will it mess up MCE?|||heres a good one

or u can look around more on the website this is the best cheapest site for anything electronic

no it will not mess up ur computer just be sure that u have a decent power supply

just look under minimum requirements|||something with at least 512mb memory, won't be any issues with MCE

Can I put this video card in this computer?

Can I put this video card… that I already have into this computer, that I'm getting…

Thanks!|||Yes, you can put that card in your system. According to HP's product information, the system should have one PCI-E x16 slot available and the card you selected is PCI-E. However, according to NewEgg the card requires at least a 350 watt power supply, whereas HP lists your power supply as only 300 watt. In my experience, this does not usually become an issue, but it is something to keep in mind.|||Yup. The graphics card is rated at 2.0 but it's actually a 1.0.|||no that comp takes VGA and the card u picked is a PCI-E

I have a pc games test drive when i play it laggs a little people told me i need ram oe more video card memory?

how can i get more ram and video card memory with out buying more|||Good question...theoretically, you can...but you didn't need your HDD anyway, did you?

Short of using Virtual Memory on the HDD (or using Vista's little trick of using thumb drives for additional system RAM), additional System RAM is easy!

If you have a computer with DDR2, it'll run you $15 for a 1Gb stick of Kingston RAM (RAM I paid $150 for with a smile 16-20 months or so ago).

If your computer is no more than about 3 years old, chances are your RAM is DDR2. If your board can support values over 1Gb, and you have free memory slots, buy a 1Gb stick and slot it in (just remember turn-off AND unplug your computer and ground yourself before touching the motherboard or other components inside the case - or the memory module[s] themselves!).

If you have no tech work experience, that's about as far as I'm comfortable seeing you work...for the Video Card installation (of a new card, since you can't add more memory without some serious tech skills, uber expensive tools, and some very pricey parts!) a tech to do it for's easy enough, but it's also easy to screw-up. (If the tech is a friend, [s]he can teach you to do it the right way!)

Good Luck!|||you cant. If you need more ram you are going to have to buy it. In order to get more video card memory you are going to have to upgrade your video card. I recommend a 256mb or a 512mb.|||you can't. video card memory is set on the actual video card, so if you neefd a better video card, you will have to buy a better video card.

The same with the computer's ram/ memory. this can't be added by simply closeing a program or downloading more off the internet. it doesn't work that way.

These are known as hard ware limitations and can only be fixed through replacement, I.E. and upgrade.

Hope this helps

What is the right video card for my laptop?…

what is the right video card for my computer these are the specifications in the link above|||You're stuck with what ya have, Intel GMA 950|||This laptop is using Intel's Graphics Mobile 950 video chipset. This is integrated on the motherboard, and is not an upgradable component.

So there is no "right" card for this laptop as there is no way to change the video subsystem. If you want a better graphics chip you'll have to buy a whole new laptop.

Can you replace the Dell Inspiron's 1520 video card and sound card?

I have a Dell Inspiron 1520 laptop and I need to know if you can replace the Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family Video graphics card with a NVIDIA 256MB video card?...... also my sound card i want to be able to record sound directly from my computer without having the audio sound like it's coming from a mic|||(a) No, sorry, laptop video cards are built into the chipset, so they are not upgradeable unless you upgrade the whole main board. Same thing with almost, if not all laptops. Even with Apples iMac it is the same story!

(b) I think what you want is a desktop sound recorder, to record sound that is playing through the actaul computer, not sound from the mic, is this what you want? I can't recommend a good free one, but you might find something useful here:…

Good luck!|||you can get sound cards made for the express card expansion, but not video cards.|||Nope!

Replacing a video card?

I bought a new video card and i would like to replace it. However, my old video card is included with motherboard (the motherboard came with it). How do i install a stand alone video card by disabling the old one? If you could provide me web sites that explains it well or could explain me, i would be appreciated. Thanks.|||Its easy to Install a video card! Since explaining will be confused here is the Video shows how to Install a Video card. You cant disable a old video card. You simply turn off your pc and take out the old Video card, and turn it back on when you finish install!

I hope this will help you! Good Luck!|||If you mean your video card is integrated into the motherboard, then all you have to do is install the new one and it will take over for the old one. You will find the need to install the drivers, but your computer will still function while you do it.|||you should still have a video agp card slot or a pci slot on your mother board. if you dont have one then you cant install it.. if yes then just insert it into the slot and start the computer... you dont need any hardcore tutorials for this... just plug and play.... insert the slot, start your computer.. if everything goes well you can have dual monitors.... :)

all the best....|||before buying a addon card. look at your mother board. and see if theres a AGP or PCI slot. the agp is further away from the back of the case, and usually a brownish colors itll always be at the upper/ middle area of the computer. pci is a white/creamish colored slot, match this three lettered acronym with the add on cards' box. also read your mother boards manual for possible diagrams of your motherboards capabilies.|||You'll first need to disable the onboard video in the system BIOS . This is done when the computer first boots and you get the option to enter 'setup' usually by pressing the delete or F12 key (watch the screen at boot up). Then find the correct area in the BIOS settings that has the onboard video and select to disable it. Save settings, shut computer off, install new video card, connect video cable from old location on motherboard to back of video card, start computer and let Windows start up - it will tell you new hardware found - when window comes up asking to install new hardware just hit cancel, let Windows finishing its start up, put CDROM in drive that came with video card, and follow the setup routine. Piece of cake.|||Disable the onboard sound in the BIOS, if you don't have BIOS setting for that, then disable it in "Device Manager".


Why are twelve year old morons thumbs downing things that they have absolutely no understanding of? Go away!|||Well there are two ways you can do this in Windows or in your bios.

The easiest way is just to do it in windows. Go into my computer -> control panel-> system ->click on hardware tab-> right click the adapter you want to disable right click then hit disable.

Or you can disable it in your BIOS. Do this 1) restart your computer. 2) press Delete, F1 , F2, Shift + F2, or what button(s) it tells you to press after 1st beep. It will say when you restart press 'blah blah blah key(s)" to enter setup. 3) you will enter bios setup. 4) It should be under 'Onboard Configuration blah blah' or 'intergrated PCI blah blah'. 5) just look for onboard video card and change it to disable.

these website explains it……

Will an Emachine T3616 be compatible with XFX GeForce 8600 GT Video Card - 512MB DDR2?

I am asking this question because I am thinking about buying this video card. If you can offer a better video card that would be compatible with this model of computer, at about the same price, ATI is acceptable by me too, then could you offer me some tips on them.|||If this computer was already made and you bought it yourself then the chances are no .this is because the computer will have been made already to meet a specific requirment.. You will have to see what kind of motherboard is built in, and what power supply there is. When upgrading a computer it is always better to have a custom build as you have asked for each specific item. I had an emachines and it was impossible to upgrade, because 1, the motherboard was a never heard of make and 2 the power supply was not enough.

Also i was told that computers already made were likely non upgradeable.

What is a good video card, that can handle video rendering in real time.?

I need a video card for a 150, maybe a little more.|||Assuming that $150 is your maximum price, I suggest the ATI Radeon 5750 for ~$145 on Newegg. I don't have much experience with NVIDIA cards (being an ATI fan) I think that the NVIDIA GeForce 220/240GT card would also suffice, for a cheaper price. But I'm not entirely sure on that one. I think the GeForce 9800GTX would also do fine on this for a bit more. I suggest checking Newegg for prices, they're the cheapest and they're the fastest.

How do I disable "Shared System Memory" for a PCI add-in video card? (ATI Radeon X1550 Pro)?

I recently bought a Diamond Stealth X1550 PRO video card to upgrade from the integrated graphics in my ultra-cheap HP desktop (no PCI Express or AGP slots.) The HP BIOS has no way of disabling the onboard video entirely, just making PCI 'primary'. In Windows (Vista Home Premium,) I can disable the onboard (Intel 910GL) graphics in the Device Manager. However, when I get the graphics card properties for the Radeon, it says "256 MB Dedicated Video Memory" and "255 MB Shared System Memory" for a total 511 MB "Total Available Graphics Memory".

As this card has 256 MB onboard, I don't want to over-saturate the PCI bus having the video card use up to 255 MB of main system memory. (My wireless network card is also on the PCI bus.) Is there any way in Vista to disable the "Shared System Memory"? I am running the latest (April 18, 2007, v7.4) version of the ATI Radeon X1000 series drivers and Catalyst Control Center, and cannot find such a setting anywhere.|||i dont think you can, and its not such a big deal

no game has been ever created that requirs more than

256 of onboard graphics memory so unless you running

CAD or modeling/rendering 3D software your card wont need to take from the system memory|||im guessing its in advanced display properties ... and unless ur short on ram i wouldnt worry about overloading the bus ...

Is there any way to assign more memory to a video card?

i have a nvidia video card with 128 mb of RAM pre installed on it and i want to know if i can assigh some of my actual RAM (2 gb) to it


do i have to buy a new card compleatly?

(also i have googled this and people have sayd somthing about BIOS, if so then how do i get into the BIOS?)|||Assigning your physical memory to your graphics card will result a shortage of your total system memory and your whole system will slow down a bit.

Video cards meant for better processing the graphical content of your system and free up your system's physical memory.

So, if you buy a new and better video card with more memory you will have a fast system with better performance.|||You can only do that with onboard video cards. If you have an onboard you can choose how much ram to assign to it in your bios settings. However it is limited and if you already have 128 assigned to it, that's probably about all it's gonna give ya. But hey it never hurts to check.

What would be the best video card for me?

Hey, i have a ACPI x86 based PC, Intel Core 2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz 2.13GHz.... with 4.50 GB Ram Running Windows Vista... I don't know to much about video cards but would like to buy one to replace my Nvidia Geforce 7500 LE, so i can play some of the latest games that are out. I want a budget of say under $200. Can anybody please help me?|||Hi,?yesterday i set up a video activity title slot into my program and looks to be working. When i booted windows it said "new components found video activity slot for creative" then "new components video activity slot for innovative is now set up and ready to us. The video activity slot i took out of my old program that hasnt been used for a while.He will be best your CPU . OK Thanks, good luck|||…

Probably the best for under 200.

Take into consideration of your power supply, if you upgrade your GFX card you will more than likely need to upgrade your PSU|||You can take any hi power video card of your system.

Bought a HP a6200n. Now I want to add a nicer video card which requires higher power supply. Does it matter?

HP a6200n's power supply is only rated at 250W. All the video cards I look at require 300W or 350W.|||It makes a big difference. You will need to replace the power supply, hopefully it is a standard one. Many "retail" boxes have smaller proprietary power supplies that can't be upraded without replacing the case also. That might well be your most economical solution anyway. A case with a good power supply is probably cheaper than a larger power supply that might fit into your case.

Will an ATI Radeon 5450 1GB video card work/fit in a dell inspiron 560MT?

Hi, I am thinking of getting a Dell 560MT, no doubt the integrated GPU will be absolute rubbish, and I have an ATI 5450 lying around the house. Is this card better than the integrated Intel GMA X45000, and will it fit in the computer??

Many thanks.|||if you need a gaming computer get alienware they are built for high gaming performance. but the graphics card should fit but make sure your computers processor is powerful enough to handle the graphics card i recommend it has at least a i7 but anything second generation i good. but if you are getting a compyer for regular use like video editing or something like that get a iMAC|||Dont buy alien ware for half the price you can build one with alot better specs trust me its easy and you'll feel good about something you did and if you buy good parts then there should be no problems, alien ware tries to buy the cheapest parts so they can make profit.

What Version of PixelShader 2.0 Does My Video Card Support?

I have an application that requires PixelShader 2.0. It does not work on my PC, it says I do not have the right version.

The video card is an ATI Radeon 9250.

How can I find out what version of PixelShader my video card uses?

Is there a list of video cards (preferably ATI) that lists the PixelShader?

I do not want to use emulation software.|||You can go to and compare all the cards. You card support version 1.4 and is a Directx8 card.

Which Nvidia video card will give better performance?

What I always thought with the Nvidia cards was that the higher the number of the model, the better the card. Then I came across a 7900GS on Amazon for about $200, and an 8500GT for about $80. Which one of those two will give better performance and why? I would appreciate any sources you may have that would compare video cards.|||The 7900GS will give better performance, the 8500 and 8600 series are just cut down versions of the 8800 series.

The advantage the 8500GT has is that it is Directx 10 compatible where as the 7900GS is not.

Not many games out at the moment use Directx 10 but they will in the near future but will also work with Directx 9 video cards (7900GS).

I would get a 7900GS card rather then an 8500 or 8600 series card.|||Wait for Mr. windowsX to release

"""DIRECT X10"""