Monday, May 7, 2012

My pc is 2years old and i want to upgrade ram and the video card how much would this all cost?

its hp and i need more ram and a good video card how much would it cost? and i live in sydney but i dont know anyone to call|||Depending on how nice you want to the video card, I think I could roughly say $150 for a relatively nice video card + $20 for the RAM if you use DDR2|||between 150$ and 250$, maybe less if u really skimped on them.|||it depends but you can find good sales I bought a gig of ram for 70 dollars on sale and ballpark for video card on sale the same 70|||What is the model # and i can tell you exactly because it all depends on the ram. Because there is PC133 ram that is 7 years old that costs more than PC3200|||Go to and install and run the system scanner. It will tell you what you can upgrade, and give you a good idea of prices. As far as buying in Sydney, sorry, can't help you there.

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