Friday, April 27, 2012

Help with upgrading a video card on a Dell XPS 410..?

Hey guys..I'm a little confused..I currently have a Dell XPS 410 which I purchased in the beginning of 2007. I tried looking up the watts but couldn't find it and I'm trying to upgrade to a 9800GT NVidia video card. I'm wondering if my computer will be able to handle it? Any info is appreciated. Thanks!|||Dells XPS models usually come with 305 watt power supplies, which isn't enough for a 9800GT.

The minimum for a standard 9800GT card is 400 watts. Low-power versions of the 9800GT which are physically smaller & clocked slower only require 350 watts.

So to use cards of the 9800GT level or higher, you'd need to purchase a new power supply as well.…

With Dell's stock power supply, the best card you can install would be a GeForce GT240, which performs about identically to the 9600T.……

If you choose to upgrade your power supply, you can find more powerful cards than the 9800GT for about the same price. The Radeon 4770, Radeon 4850 and GeForce GTS 250 (previously known as the 9800GTX+) can all be found for under $110. A 500W power supply is enough for any of them.……|||You have 18A Max on your TWO 12V Rails A and B

It is enough…


Open the case and check the label to be sure you have enough amps on the 12V rails

There is a low power 9800GT that may work on your PSU if its the lower power one…

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