Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dell dimension 2350 video card upgrade?

i have a dell dimension 2350 with a gig of ram, and the stock video card. PCI express is not an option! i want to play sims 2 and not be irritated anymore. aside from building a new comp is there a video card i can buy that will improve game performance?|||I'm going to assume that since you don't have PCIe that you won't have AGP either. Since you are limited to PCI, I would recommend the following cards:

Radeon X1550 - Extra Power, while heavy on the Power Supply Unit.…

Radeon X1300 - Nearly the Same as X1550, but a Little Easier on the PSU; a bit higher in price than X1550.…

I am not an Nvidia person, so the other choice would be about the equivelent of these cards. These will get you as up-to-date as you possibly can; once these go bad, you'll need a complete overhaul.

Double check your PSU and case size before you buy as well. This will save possible headaches in the future.

Good luck. =P

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