Friday, April 27, 2012

The MPS performance of my video card is about half of what it should be. How can I improve it?

I have run some test off of and it says that based on other systems like mine my video card is running about as half as well as it should. Any tips on improving it?|||you did not mention what video card you have. make model and memory, driver revison, OS

based on your reply you have a good card, better than mine, but do not necessarily rely on the pitstop for comparisons, better off would be to go to maximum pc and see what benchmarks they use for system stressing out

Geoforce 3 TI 500 128 mb

p4 2.26 533fsb 1 gb ddr2 ram windows 2000 sp4 direct x 9c|||Graphic Cards rely on system memory and CPU speed i suggest you upgrade one of them..

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