Thursday, April 26, 2012

Do I buy a Nvidia 8800 video card or a cheap DirectX 9 video card and wait to upgrade?

I´m buying a new pc and that´s the question: 8800 and no future upgrade or a cheap dx9 video card that would be changed later.|||The real question here is do you want to get a card that isn't worth the money? The 8800 is a nice card but it's not that great, nvidia just put it out to say i have the first dx 10 video card. If i were you i would wait until they come out with a better more revised version of a dx 10 video card. Hope this helps a little. ohh and if you want a very very good dx 9 card for a good price get the XFX 7600 gt XXX edition it's a very good card for the price.|||The only thing I could see holding you back from buying the 8800 is the fact that those are new video cards and as of yet we are unsure of their stability. Other than that, why would you even want a DirectX 9 card? I have herd and read that the visuals for Directx 10 are stunning. So get the DirectX 10 if you can afford it.|||If you are into PC gaming and will be diving into X10 software head on, I would go with the 8800 now. If not, then buy a 7900 series, overclock it and buy some AMD shares with what's left over (they're coming back... ). You'll have enough for top of the line second generation X10 video card...|||Yes, wait a bit for the Direct X 10 to be the high standard.|||yep just get the cheap dx9 video card and change later... you can play games such as doom3 and far cry.

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