Friday, May 4, 2012

Will a better Video card speed up your cpu?

Hi im getting a new video card, im getting a XFX GeForce 8800 GTS and i was wondering will the video card also speed up my cpu? I have 2.0 Ghz of cpu and i know crysis recommends 2.2 although 2.0 will run it

Also what else does the video card speed up Ram?.. ETC? Thanks in advanced|||Yes, it should speed up a bit. If what you replaced was an integrated video card that used system RAM to operate, by adding a card with 512 RAM of it's own, you are allowing the CPU to access more of the system RAM. It's a win-win.|||no, but it would speed up the processes it takes to complete processing graphics faster. |||your graphics will look better, but the overall system performance will not increase, to get faster speed you need to increase the RAM or replace the CPU with a faster cpu, or you could overclock the CPU, if you dont know how to do that DONT you will kill the PC.|||Buying a new video card will not speed up any other components.

However, you will notice an overall improvement in system performance. If you want to upgrade your other hardware, you will have to buy a new processor, buy more RAM etc.....

You may be able to play games on somewhat reduced settings.|||Well thiers always the option of overclocking your CPU but no video card wont speed up up your cpu but it will help produce a better image and takes some of the processor off of your CPU|||All a better video card does is speed up graphical calculations like rendering 3D scenes etc. It wont speed up system RAM or your CPU. In order to speed up your CPU or RAM you would need to do something called overclocking.

P.S. Im jealous about your card. From what I have read its a beast!|||If your current system has integrated video on the motherboard, with shared ram; then you will speed up your system by adding a PCI Express or AGP graphics card. |||No. A better video card will get you a better video card. If you want a better CPU, you need to buy a better CPU. Same with the RAM - the only way to get faster RAM is to buy faster RAM. You can overclock your PC to squeeze some extra performance out of what you already have, but you'll want to do a LOT of research online before even trying this. Otherwise you're likely to damage your computer.

In any case, 2.0 GHz is pretty weak for a gaming machine, so you'll definitely want to upgrade to a 2.8 GHz or better dual- or quad-core processor. If you have a store-bought PC and haven't replaced the power supply, you'll want to get at least a 650 or 700W one. Your current one is probably no more than 350 or 400W, which isn't going to be enough for your video card. Something like this should work:…|||Ummm, actually the video card does not speed up anything, especially your cpu.

The most It might do is take a little bit off of the cpu, so it can do it's thing and It'll give you more frames on your games.

Which is basically how your going to be able to play at higher graphic settings.... but in anything else, its not going to do anything outside of gaming unless your into video editing and etc....

And the ram thing also, It might technically give you back some of your ram if you were using an on board video card before.... but still again, Its taking that process off of your ram, so it can do its thing too.

Hoped this helped.

|||Certainly yes good vga card do increase the whole performance of you PC

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