Friday, May 4, 2012

My RAM being stolen by my Video Card?

My video Card has stolen 66MB of my RAM,

Can i get it back?

if i can how?|||This is the result of purchasing a computer with an integrated video card. The manufacturer saves money by using the computer's RAM instead of dedicated ram on the display adapter.

To be honest, you will need a dedicated video card with "discreet memory" for the best performance.

After you install the new video card you can disable the onboard video to free up your RAM.|||You should manually search for it. Go through your processes line by line in the coding for each until you find you missing RAM.|||Most of the times you can disable shared memory just by going through your bios.. Look for an option video sharing or system memory sharing and try disabling that.. Good Luck|||What you can do is increase your virtual RAM.

The other alternative is to buy a video card with more G-RAM (on the card).|||1. No.

2. No.

Your video card obviously doesn't have any dedicated memory. It has to use system memory to work. If it doesn't use it, you don't see anything on your screen. This isn't hard to understand.|||integrated video cards do not have their own ram and must use some of the system ram. You can usually configure how much it uses in the bios but there is usually a minimum of 32MB.

Keep in mind that adjusting this will reduce the performance of your video card. If it were me I'd give it as much as it'll take.|||U can get it back by getting a graphics card, as right now u have IGP

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