Friday, May 4, 2012

I need help installing my galaxy geforce 9800 video card?

i put the video card in correctly but they gave me these little wires for extra power or something (some video cards need it) i have no idea what to do with them. i know how to put in the video card but no idea what to do with the black small wires it has 3 small regtangular plugs with 2 wires connected in each|||The dual-molex-to-6-pin adapter that came with your card is for use with power supplies that don't already have the 6-pin connector.

On the upper corner of your 9800GT video card, there should be a 6-pin plug. You need to plug a power supply's 6-pin connector into that, or if your power supply does not have the 6-pin, you use that dual-molex-to-6-pin adapter.

Without the extra power going to your 9800GT's 6-pin plug, the video card will not work right.|||Open youtube, the search the video that tells how to install a new video card.|||Power Requirements:

9800 GT models

Minimum of a 400 Watt power supply.

(Minimum +12 Volt current rating of 26 amps)

An available 6-pin PCI Express power connector

6-pin PCI Express power connector adapter

Ultra ULT40391 Dual Molex To 6-Pin Adapter…|||look on the back part of the video will see a 6 pin plug...the "extra" wireing you got should have this male 6 pin goes into the socket on the video only fits one way so you cant screw it up! now there are two longer white plugs attach to the 6 pin plug..they are 4 pin molex need to find 2 spare molex connectors from your power supply and plug them in to those white connectors from the video card. IF you have a newer power supply it may have a 6 pin plug that says "PCIe" on the plug...IF you have it you only have to plug that into the video card (same place i mentioned before)You can then save that small "power adapter" for another system or for a friend that may need it! IF you do not have the 6 pin cable or two spare molex connectors, your power supply may be to under powered to handle the requirements of your new video card.

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