Friday, April 27, 2012

VisionTek Radeon HD 2900 XT PCI-Express Video Card Windows 7?

I just bought a VisionTek Radeon HD 2900 XT PCI-Express Video Card for my computer but i am running windows 7 home edition 64 bit, will this work on my computer? My specs are below.

Processor: Pentium Dual Core CPU E5300 @ 2.60GHZ


Current graphics: Intel G45/G43 Express chipset (built in)|||It works fine with Windows 7. You'll need to download the latest drivers from ATI- the included CD in won't have Windows 7 drivers.…

However.... If you haven't opened the box yet I'd recommend returning it. The Radeon HD 2900XT is a discontinued model. It was good 3 years ago, but video cards have gotten better and prices have come way down since then.

If you only paid around $75 then it's a fair deal, that's what modern-day equivalent cards like the Radeon 4670 and 5570 cost. But the Radeon 2900XT was selling for $170-$200 just a couple of years ago. For that kind of money, MUCH more powerful cards are available.

These cards are equivalent to your 2900XT:………

These are better:……

This is far better:…

Finally, be sure to check your computer's power supply rating. High-performance video cards require more power, you need at least a 400W power supply to run most of today's entry-level gaming cards. Older cards tend to be less energy-efficient and run hotter than newer models. If your computer has a 450W or higher power supply, then you're in good shape. With 300W, your upgrade choices are limited.|||Microsoft says it is:…

Just make sure you have 64 bit drivers for windows 7 for it, you can download them from VisionTek's website:…


here is one more thing to consider: System Requirements

1.Intel® Pentium® 4+, AMD™ Athlon™ 64+ or compatible with X16 PCI EXPRESS slot

2.Correct chipset drivers

3. Installation software requires CD-ROM drive DVD playback requires DVD drive

4.500W+ power supply or 750W+ power supply for Crossfire configuration (two cards)

5.Either two 6-pin (2x3) power cables or one 6-pin plus one 8-pin (2x4) power cable. 8-pin power supply cable is only required for users wishing to enable Overdrive.

6.High Speed Internet Connection to download game bundle

Where should I buy my video card?

I'm back about video cards again.

I've been researching and reading about video cards.

Now where should I buy mine?

In store or online?

any help will be highly appreciated as always|||Don't waste your time going to an online seller directly. Search for what you want on a price search engine and it will give you the cheapest item and were to get it. It will also give you the ratings of that seller so that you have asurrance you are buying from a reputable place. here are some of them:|||Stores will always charge WAY more for video cards.

I always buy mine from I don't find many other sites with cheaper prices. You should check it out and compare the prices to your local stores and you'll see the price difference I'm talking about.|||Online will always be cheaper...but you will have to wait for it to be mailed!||| this website is alot cheaper for computer stuff|||I usually get my stuff online, a few sites to check out:

I not used but other techs i work with get stuff from there.|||Definitely online, from either NewEgg, Tiger Direct or possibly Amazon (USA and Canada) or Ebuyer (Europe). Store prices are always inflated. Newegg usually has slightly better prices and more rebates than Tiger Direct, but compare the specific models you're considering, either site might have an incredible deal.

Which video card is better for my Dell Dimension E520?

I went to Frys, and I found some video cards that require 300W or greater for power supply. I currently have a geforce 7300LE. But I want a graphics card better to play games. But I want to just change the video card. Which one would be better?

Geforce 9600GT, ATI 4350, or Geforce GT 240?|||I,m not sure about the ATI but with gforce if it is made by evga has software called evga precision that will allow you to overclock either of the geforce that you mentioned. I`m currently using the evga gt 220 so in my opinion And everybody has one) the geforce 240 would be best.|||if you dont want to change your power supply, get a GeForce 9600

What Video card should I get?

I need a cheap video card to play games like Spore, like a mid level one would be nice, and I am on a budget. A link would be nice too.|||Buy ASUS EN9500GT/DI/1GD/V2 GeForce 9500 GT 1 GB 128-bit DDR2 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Supported Video Card…|||please say on what kind of budget you are...

something like $50 $100, $200?

gts 250, hd 5450, 9500gt, 9600gt, hd 5670,

lately they haven't brought any bad cards out today. just buy the one that fits your budget, maybe you want to look at the ati 5' series.|||In order to answer this question to the best of our ability, we are going to need the Model of your computer. Not all Video Cards will fit in every Computer Case.

Is a 8400GS 256MB PCI-Express Video Card a good one? like how well would it run wow?

looking to replace a broken video card just wondering how well this one would work for wow and other games like wow|||it's way too old. NVIDIA is 6 generations beyond that card now, as current they are on the 4xx series, having gone 8xxx, 9xxx, the cycled around.


Kasey C, PC guru since Apple II days

Hard work pays off later. Laziness pays off now.|||The 8400GS is NOT a gaming card, it's just a cheap replacement for integrated graphics. It's fine for regular tasks like web browsing and looking at movies, but it's only useful for really low-end older games (the original Sims, original Starcraft, Counterstrike etc)

For games like WoW, you'll want a Radeon 4650 or better.

Performance comparison:…|||Its a pretty low end card, certainly not going to do a ton with it. It would run wow on low settings. look for nvidia x600,x800 (like 9600 or 8800) cards or any of the xxx (460) series cards that have at least 512MB of ram.|||Go buy atleast a ATI HD 5500 they are really cheap and can work easily on high settings, and ultra with about 28-55fps

What video card will work?

I have an eMachines W3410 desktop system, and I want to add a new video card to it, so that I can disable the onboard graphics from using system RAM. I need it in PCI Express. I know that power supply is a factor, since a new card will draw more power. I have a 300W power supply, so what will work best? My other specs include:

AMD Athlon 64 3200+ (2.2gHz)

512 MB DDR SDRAM (PC3200)

100 GB HDD (7200 rpm)

16x DVD RW

Please help. Thanks to all in advance.|||Geforce 7600GS or Geforce 7600GT, they will get all the power they need from the PCIe port. They won't tax your system too much but I'm afraid those cards are the limit of your system, unless you upgrade the power supply. Anything above those cards will want a connection to the power supply, you'll have to avoid all the cards at or above the 7800 series. Still, the Geforce 7600GS or GT are quite powerful for their price. They offer the best price/performance ratio of any card currently on the market. I'd also get another 512MB stick of memory and a larger hard drive as well, you don't have to do that right away but if you want to run Vista, those are other upgrades to consider.|||Glad to help.

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|||You'll probably need a new power supply, but something in nVidia's 6000's will do you fine =)

Where do i go on my desktop to disable my old video card?

I'm installing a new video card|||You can't, you need to go in the BIOS.

|||Do it in the control panel under Hardware

Can i upgrade my video card on my laptop?

i have a inspiron 3700 and i wanna know if i can upgrade my video card, please help me. currently running xp pro 2002. i have an ATI mobility rage m1 card|||Unfortunately no. Video is integrated into the Mobo. You'd have to replace the entire motherboard which is as costly as it is impractical. You might consider getting a new laptop OR ,depending on your situation, getting a desktop that can be upgraded in the future.|||You can but it is so expensive that you wouyld be better buying a new laptop than to try it.|||Video on notebooks cannot be upgraded, it's integrated into the motherboard.|||In the past year or so, top end laptops are begininng to evolve allowing people to upgrade components. This is a VERY small market share, and when i say top end laptop, i mean it (£1200~).

All components other than the CPU, hard disk, ram and optical drive are integrated into the motherboards of laptops and are non upgradeable.

Resident evil 5 ugrade cpu and video card?

Hi, I need to upgrade my cpu and video card. They don't meet the requirements but everything else does. Is there a way i can upgrade the cpu and the video card? Do i have to buy something? Is there anything else you need to know to answer this question? Thanks|||Is this a laptop or a desktop ?

A desktop you can find cheap video card an CPU's.

However looks like you do not know how to do that

so i would suggest hiring someone to do it for you

or atleast go find some decent guides online and

an anti-static wristband.

Yes it will cost you depending on what you need.

Best place would be

Laptops are even harder an exspensive. But can

also be done (not all laptops though) as some CPU's

are not able to be removed an some laptops do not

have video cards. . .

Not enough info on your part to give much more info. . .

Question about video card. I have onbroad graphic but I brought a avideo card that I plan to install now.?

I heard in the past that I have to disable old video driver or something like that.

My question is do I have to? and if yes how to go about do it? I am a newbie working with computer.

Thanks for any answer.|||sometimes the video card will turn it off in your bios when you install it...but watch your screen when it first boots up..usually F2 or F10 to enter the set up....then check onboard video or graphics and change it if it hasn't already...cheers

What video card is suitable for an Optiplex GX620?

Yes, the Optiplex has on-board video. I'm having problems with it. So, I need to find a suitable alternative card. Any ideas, wise ones?|||The mother board on this has a PCI-£ x16 slot so you can upgrade to a new graphics card. all new graphics card fit these slots, however if you get a really new graphics card then you might have to upgrade your PSU (power supply unit) to give you more watts to power every thing in your computer. modern graphics cards eat up power.!

Im getting this soon!…

but first i need to upgrade my PSU|||If it is on-board you should be able to upgrade it as long as you have another AGP or PCI Express slot available.

If all else fails, just get another computer from I Buy Power…

It doesn't have any crappy onboard crap and you can customize your own PC!

I Buy Power > Dell|||Hi,

According to me I would like to suggest you the below mentioned latest Nvidia Card which is going to solve your problem

Please visit the below mentioned link

Using onboard video card on motherboard and video card.?

I currently have 2 monitors on my system from 1 motherboard.

I am looking to get a video card. If the video card only has 1 slot for a monitor can I plug 1 monitor to the video card and another to the motherboard?|||Virtually all midrange and gamer-level add-on video cards support two monitors. And the DisplayPort-equipped versions of the ATI HD5000- and HD6000-series support THREE monitors.

If you are using an add-on video card, connect all monitors to the video card.|||Hi there,

Windows does support multiple monitors. (see the MS link below).

I know for a fact you can use up to three monitors as long as you have ports for each,

Hope this helps you,

al|||No - you will not be able to do this. If your motherboard supports SLI cards, you can get a card that has SLI and you will be able to run multiple monitors.

Is it going to hurt anything running 300 watt video card with 280 watt power supply?

I have a Dell C521 LPX slim-line. It has a 280 watt power supply and I bought one of those tiny 9400 GT cards. After 24 hours, everything seems to be ok. I don't have any expansion slots in use or powering any USB devices other than keyboard mouse and charging ipod nano.|||nope, it wont hurt it but it will not run. if you graphic card is good, then am surprised that it runs on 300 watts. i doubt it can run with such less power as 280 watts.

a good graphic card like 256 or 512 MB cards need like 400 watts or higher. 280 watts is too less.

am pretty sure GT 9400 would need like 350-400 watts or higher.|||Your card should not require that much power unless it is working at full cpacity, and you are rarely going to need it to run at full capacity, it is sort of like overkill.

But having said that, it will still take more power to do day to day tasks than a light card. It is kind of like using a race car to go 25mph, it will still take more fuel and run out of gas quicker than a Honda.

When your system gets overloaded it may become slow to respond, or stall for a few seconds, but it should not crash, and you won't hurt anything, but you may in the long run shorten the life of your power supply

P.S. I think my bigger concern in your situation would be if that card was going to throw out too much heat. I would monitor your cpu temp and motherboard temp, and if that card makes everything run hotter, then it's not a good idea|||if you have a card that draws more than your power supply outputs, whenever you put a load on ur card ur computer is gonna crash cuz it cant provide enough juice|||ummm yea you need more power cuz when the card starts demanding more power and it cant get it it wont work|||24 hours is too short a time to tell but usage time will get to it !

Continuous demand will run your PSU to its grave !

The PSU is not just there for the card, it is there for everything in your PC !

NVIDIA states that you need a 300 W MINIMUM for the card alone.

For the right way of calculating the power a PSU must give out, you MUST look at the BIG picture and take many other things into account not just the graphics card.

The real lowdown on how much power is needed for PC systems !

For your reference, following are details that illustrates approximately* how much wattage you will need to run various normal common components in a PC system ( the components are on the left and the wattage required on the right):

The Motherboard: 15-30

Midrange to high-end CPU: 40-100

RAM: about 7 per 128MB (or 56 W per GB)

PCI add-in card: 5

High-End graphics board: 60-100 (some take more)

IDE/SATA hard drive: 10-30

Optical CD/DVD drive: 10-25

Your NVIDIA 9400GT takes 10 W less than the bottom of the norm.

So let's calculate a system (again, this is an approximation*) with a middle of the road motherboard and CPU, 2 Gigs of RAM, 2 PCI cards (including the (high-end) graphic cards), 1 hard drive and 1 optical drive.

That would be 30+100+112(128MB X 8 X 2 = 2Gigs @ 7 per 128MB)+10(2 X 5)+50+30+25 = 357

* It has to be an approximation as I don't have all the specs so compare your entire computer specs with the list and refine the math on your own, you will then know what PSU you should get.


Leave yourself a bit of slack in your calculation for future hardware - Example: As calculated above, I would consider a PSU of at least 400 Watts and get up to 500 Watts if the price difference is not too much for you.

Also, always compare PSUs on cost AND caliber, in other words, go for power supplies that have a "quality build" never for one where the cost is cheap (because you can be sure it's not only the price that is that way).

Best PSU manufacturers at the moment are brands like Antec, Cooler Master, Corsair and Thermaltake.

And measure your actual PSU so that you buy one that fits the case.

P.S.: My guide is partly based on this link:…

Can anyone tell me about the graphic card "3D Fuzion GF MX4000 Video Card, 8x AGP 128MB DDR"?

I saw it on the CompUSA website. Is it a good video card? Where else could I buy it? Is it compatible with DirectX 9 because I need it for Flight Simulator X?|||no that card is crap. u can play fsx but on the lowest setting. it might not even work at all. u will want a much better card to play fsx|||Buy PCI Express

Will overclocking damage my video card?

I have AMD ATHALON x2 5000+ Dual Core, 4 GB RAM and Nvdia Geforce 9400 GT (1 GB) graphic card, i want to play GTA IV i know it will be laggy, so will overclocking help me or it will just damage my video card|||You would damage it well before you saw a significant difference in a higher end game. Honestly you would be better off getting a 9600 witch would run it pretty good than run the risk of burning up what you have.|||it could help, but you need monitor the temperature so it doesn't get too hot. If it does get too hot, then it can damage the video card.|||No!|||no need to that card should be fine here aare the video card requirements

Graphics Hardware 256 MB Nvidia 7900 / 256 MB ATI X1900 512 MB Nvidia 8600 / 512 MB ATI 3870

Does using a different video card driver (like direct X9) on a video card for laptop make games play better?

the question says it all but i have a somewhat new dell laptop that i got about 2 years ago and i was wondering if you use a different video driver if it'll make games play smoother.|||Laptops are not made for gaming. Laptops come with integrated video which is not made for 3d games. Add to that the fact that your laptop is 2 years old simply means you will be disappointed in gaming. Go out and spend about $800 or more to build yourself a nice gaming machine. There are many tutorials on places like Tom's hardware that will show you how.|||It Makes the graphics better! :p|||Performance with newer drivers can improve the quality of your graphics, but it's very limited in how much it improves.|||Yes it will help...but theres no way your are going to see an extreme jump in performance..the drivers are there to utilize your video card that its using your card to its full potential...but if you expect to be able to get higher FPS you might get a couple but theres not going to be a huge difference|||DirectX and Video Card Drivers are totally different. DirectX is operating system level implementation for handling Multi Media and Graphics data processing and rendering. Video Card Drivers are card specific and are written by the manufacturer of the Graphics Chip. You can always upgrade the DirectX as long as the OS supports. Now upgrade the Video Card Drivers with those are specific to the one on your laptop. There will be improvement in performance but that can never be a gaming PC. Some games even won't install unless a specific Graphic Processor is present.

Can I install a new video card on my Vostro 1000?

I 'm getting a Vostro 1000, and I want to upgrade from integrated graphics to a real card. I'm thinking of getting a Radeon 2600 Pro to solve this, but I don't know that my laptop can be upgraded. Can it?|||I own 3 Dell Notebook PCs and am sorry to inform you that it is literally impossible for a novice to buy and upgrade the video adapter on just about every Notebook PC

That is, your Dell Vostro 1000 only has an integrated graphics card and if you intended to play video games on your Notebook PC then unlike Desktop PCs, the video upgrade should have been done at the time of purchase bec it's not cost effective since it requires an experienced PC technician and the Dell compatible part.

Hope the Above Info Helps|||most laptops will not upgrade you have to have a mobal verson of the graphics card i dont know where you can find them non OEM i dont know the instids of your computer so i couldnt even recomend one but i dont think youll be able to find one.

Why did my video card stop working?

i just purchased a geforce 6300 gt and put it in my hp amd athalon 64 x 2 4200 pc and when i was playing some games some discolored dots appeared on the screen so i restarted my computer and it wouldnt start. I took the video card out and then it worked fine? anyone know?|||In fact Erik's answer is a good one(answerer 1).

What I can recommend you is to buy better trademarks like Leadtek or Asus for example. The life sapn of an eklectronic componet is highly influenced by the capacitor the manufacturer uses. Also the trademark of the memory he puts in is as important.|||Which brand was the card? I've seen short life spans to be common on BFG, PNY and eVGA cards.

Typically, a video card dies due to faulty capacitors. They overheat, begin to bloat then finally leak the internal fluids. The capacitor stops working and the card dies. PNY especially seems to like to use the cheapest caps they can find. BFG is supposed to be one of the best out there, but from what I've seen, they are just high-priced junk. And eVGA just plain sucks.|||you try reinstalling the drivers for it? reload your origional default drivers and then reinstall it and try it again, check your hp compatibility list to make sure that card works with it, by the sounds of it it is, make sure the card isnt overheating as well. and make sure that in the Device manager and like areas that the card is recognized as being present|||Well, you seem to be one of the lucky ones who got a bad card. Truely it could have been anything, but often times it is either the capacitors, like the guy above me mentioned, or a poorly seated heatsink.

If you bought it less than 30 days ago, bring it back to the place you bought it. If it has been longer, then you will have to call up or email the manufacturer to get a replacement.

What kind of video card do I need?

I'm not sure what kind of slot this is.(PCI / PCI-Express 8x or 16x) I need to know in order to buy my video card. Thank you.|||That's a PCI-E x16 slot. You can use a PCI-E 2.0 card as they are backwards compatible with 1.0 slots.

Help on a video graphics card for a Dell Inspiron 1525.....?

What would be a good Video Graphics Card that would work on a Dell Inspiron 1525?|||Sorry, but you're out of luck. Unless you've ordered the laptop with the card you wanted, you can't swap it out.

Unlike Desktop graphics cards, which are limited only by available slots, Laptop graphics cards are hard to find, and even harder to replace.

Laptop GPUs are not cards at all, but GPU chips soldered into the motherboard, so as are some of the CPUs - meaning you have to melt the metal solder to take them out. This is the way most laptops today are made. You'll have to be a real expert to be able to swap them successfully - even then success isn't 100%. Manufacturers will not take them back for an upgrade. Furthermore, your laptop motherboard chipset will not allow for you to upgrade to a discrete GPU if you ordered it with the integrated card.

Unless you have a laptop with a separate graphics unit or an MXM slot, you won't be able to upgrade/replace it. Check your manual to see if they allow any upgrades


The only option you have left is to use an Expresscard-adpated graphics unit, but not yet. Maybe in the near future; right now external graphics through Expresscard is in the process of development/release.

There aren't that many for sale yet, but if you're lucky, you can find an ASUS XG Station for sale somewhere (but it won't be cheap considering its around $300 for the dock alone). You just need to have an Expresscard slot.|||well, what u mean by a "good grapihc card"?

there is no way you can get a good graphic w the dell inspirion!

get the xps ~_~

ur video card must be at least 8600gt in order to be ranked as a "good card"

however, the recommend for the good gaming machine is 9800gt.

(if u want gaming laptop, best buy offer some good gaming machine, check it out)|||Can't change video in a laptop

I want to change the video card in my laptop ?

i have an intel video card and i think its with the motherboard , so can i change the motherboard and rebuild it with the processor that i have and change the video card to ATI ?

and how much will it coast ?

i have toshiba satellite L500-1GK|||You have to send it to Toshiba. You cannot buy a motherboard from them with a different graphics card. They will charge you for a new motherboard, and a new video chip, and a larger fan.

The price? Depends on which video chip you want on it. 300-400 bucks. You are FAR better off selling it and getting a new laptop.|||Unlikely because most are built in to the motherboard. They are not like desktops. You need to call Toshiba and see but I would forget about it.

How much is important a video card for video quality?

which one is more important? ram or video card? when you editing video? what video card do you think is good for system like

intel daul core 2 2.8 ghz

ram 2 gb

h.d 320

video card?


thank you emadi|||graphics cards are good for rendering graphhics. editing video requires a lot of encoding which is gonna be done by your intel chip.

any mid-range card is fine for what you need. the more system ram the better but 2gigs should suffice|||Video card is more important and I have no idea what a h.d 320 is lol.|||For editing video, RAM and Processor are the most important. You only need raw video card power if you're using Adobe Premiere Pro 2 (the new one), since it does fast, video-card-powered preview rendering. For everything else, video card is almost useless in video editing.|||The video card is very necessary for gaming and graphic/video processing.|||They are both important. Since the importance of video card can be found in application like playing games, watching videos and On-line conference like webcasting. Just imagine a monitor that never turns on, thats how imprtant video card is.|||The most important appln of Video card or Graphics card is mainly for those people working on Graphics like ( Animation, Photoshop, Adobe Premiere etc) and of course the most recent game releases recommend high end graphics cards!!!!....if U r into any of these stuffs U definitely need a graphics card...a 256MB ram card will suffice most applications....also U;r PC RAM will not be shared for graphical applns...if U hav a graphics card...So U can get more RAM for other purposes...tht's it!!!|||you have enough RAM

2gb is good

if you are doing editing to video

get some sort of nVidia Quadro or Geforce.

you can get the 7600GS, it is a cheap videocard

if you want top notch

either wait for more Direct X10 videocards

or get then Quadro FX4500 using the AGP slot

How do I upgrade my video card driver?

I tried downloading this ATI driver update, but it doesn't do anything I downloaded all of it, but when I see if my computer can run a video game my driver still is out of date and I tried another ATI download through something else it says video driver not found and to try and setup your display adapter with a standard VGA driver before running setup I don't get any of this I just want to play some video games.|||You have to go into Add/Remove programs and uninstall ATI install manager. It will uninstall all your old driver from your system. The system will have to reboot and when it reaches windows you need to then click on your downloaded updated driver. When that is finished it will have to reboot again, when you reach desktop this time you are complete...

If i upgrade my Video card will i be able to play Starcraft 2 more smoothly.?

Ram: 3.0

Video Card: GeForce 310M

2.26 GHz

Right now i can play it, but its extremly choppy during comabt and when i get alot of units on screen.

If anyone can suggest a video card for a Samsung R580 laptop it would be great.

Thanks|||if you do get an upgrade. the cheapest new card that will be better than the 310M is a nvidia 420M

be careful when purchasing a new card. cause the power consumption might be greater. and your powersupply might not be able to handle it and will burn out.|||It will be hard to find a good one cheap. This is really expensive for one game. If you can turn the graphics down, I don't know if you can I haven't played SC2 in forever! Installing a new GPU is hard on a laptop, you need to know what you're doing when you do this or you can end up with a paper weight.|||Buying a gaming video card for a laptop is pricey, especially for sc2, look into a gaming laptop.. shouldn't be much more.|||Yes it should help, but general maintenance too disk clean up and defrag. If you have windows 7 or vista ram boost would help.

Video card memory and the Ram factor in games!?

Hi its just like that i want to play crysis and through requirements analysis of it failed me because of the video card memory. my video card is 128 and game requires 256 mb

though my RAM is 3 gb

its just that somewhere i read that if your video card doesnt have the required amount of space then it utilise the available space of RAM!

is it true?|||Some video cards can use main system memory additionally, some can't. Even if it does, it won't help much. It's far more important how good your GPU is to begin with, shader cores, core clock, etc

You're out of luck with Crysis. That won't even play well on most 256-512 mb cards. Get a new video card if you want to play it|||Video ram is pretty irrelevant unless you are playing at high resolutions. Anything in the 512mb-1gb range should be fine Stream processors and things like core clock/shader clock will be more important.

But the most important question by far is why exactly do you want to play Crysis? its not a particularly great game and only really serves as a benchmarking utility and for something to brag about how you can run it at max settings. Play a good game like TF2 or L4D instead. much less demanding and also much more fun.

Help with upgrading a video card on a Dell XPS 410..?

Hey guys..I'm a little confused..I currently have a Dell XPS 410 which I purchased in the beginning of 2007. I tried looking up the watts but couldn't find it and I'm trying to upgrade to a 9800GT NVidia video card. I'm wondering if my computer will be able to handle it? Any info is appreciated. Thanks!|||Dells XPS models usually come with 305 watt power supplies, which isn't enough for a 9800GT.

The minimum for a standard 9800GT card is 400 watts. Low-power versions of the 9800GT which are physically smaller & clocked slower only require 350 watts.

So to use cards of the 9800GT level or higher, you'd need to purchase a new power supply as well.…

With Dell's stock power supply, the best card you can install would be a GeForce GT240, which performs about identically to the 9600T.……

If you choose to upgrade your power supply, you can find more powerful cards than the 9800GT for about the same price. The Radeon 4770, Radeon 4850 and GeForce GTS 250 (previously known as the 9800GTX+) can all be found for under $110. A 500W power supply is enough for any of them.……|||You have 18A Max on your TWO 12V Rails A and B

It is enough…


Open the case and check the label to be sure you have enough amps on the 12V rails

There is a low power 9800GT that may work on your PSU if its the lower power one…

Video card problem need help fast?

Im having problems with a game a have for my computer. When ever i try to play it something comes up and says that this game does not support my video card. What can i do to fix this.|||You have two options :

1.Do not play that game, so you won't have any problem.

2. Get a new video card that will support the game you would like to play !|||What card? what game? did you update the cards drivers? did you try to seek help from the makers of the game?|||If your video card is not a common one (not ATI or nVidia) most games will not support it. There is nothing you can do about that. However, if you do have a video card that is made by ATI or nVidia, and it is posting that error, either you do not meet the requirements, or possibly need an updated driver, which can usually be obtained from the corporate website for which card you have.

My video card went out on my computer. How do I boot from my CD-ROM (cause i have new hardware.)?

I put a new video card in it and I need to boot from a CD-ROM when my monitor is not working with the video card yet. How do I make my monitor work with this video card (when it is not installed yet) If unknown then how do I boot from my CD-ROM where I can install the video card.|||If you installed a new video card, and still do not get video when first booting up the computer, you have more issues than a bad video card. I would suspect the motherboard is bad, or another device. Most, if not all video cards have default drivers that work in a safe mode, so when you install a new card, you should see your POST screen, if your not seeing anything at all, then something else is wrong and your old video card was probably fine. Something I like to do, is remove any card ie..modem, network card etc that you can and try booting the computer. Sometimes those will go bad and keep the computer from going into its POST mode. If you still dont get a screen, try pulling the memory cards out one at a time, try booting, if still no go, try the other memory card,and try booting. If still nothing, than you probably have a motherboard problem. Also, make sure you are putting your monitor cord on the correct video output, and make sure your monitor is turned on. Seems like a "duh" thing, but I have seen people force a monitor cable into a serial port. Good luck.|||need to go to BIOS for that

basically when you start computer, press either F8 or F12

ESC for older comp

and you are in BIOS

check out boot settings

What do you think of this video card?

the video card is GMA 4500MHD up to 767MB for laptop

Can I play fifa 2009 smoothly with it?

The processor is Core DUO 2.16GHz, 3GB RAM.

Is this video card better than GeForce 8200M?|||Hey, that sounds like build in graphics. I would say the 8200M is way better, but still not enough to play FIFA. I am assuming you are talking about a laptop.

Information about adding video card?

I have compaq presario SR1530il desktop pc.Can I add 512MB video card in the PCI slot? How can I decrease the temperature inside the cpu?|||No on the ; unless it is a pentium computer you can . And add a fan.|||for Lower heat pick a can of compressed air and open up your computer and blow away all the dust Although PCI cards wont really give you good performance but ti will inscrease it|||I really doubt there are any video cards out anymore that use PCI that have 512 MB. If you're talking about PCI-E, then open the computer up and see if you have a PCI-E slot. And decreasing the temperature, get a better CPU heatsink if you want it to run cooler.

Can this video card fit in this slot?…

My Dell Inspiron has Slots

PCIe x16(1), PCIe x 1(1), PCI(2)

This video card if a PCIe 2.1 x16

I was wondering what is the 2.1 for and will this fit in my slot?|||Yes that card will fit just fine the 2.1 is what the bus speed is meaning how much info can pass through the bus. socket 2011 which is x79 motherboards will feature a 3.0 bus speed which is supposed to b faster but we will see anyway hope this helped and good luck :)|||Yes.

Can a Intel(R) G965 Express Chipset Family I video card handle Call of Duty 5: World at War?

The minimum requirements for a vid card are:

"Shader 3.0 or better, 256MB Nvidia GeForce 6600GT/ATI Radeon 1600XT or better"

Even with the game set at minimal quality can my vid card handle it? If not, then what are some vid cards under $100 that can handle it?|||The 9800 GT is $100 and will handle the game ok.|||Not even worth trying. Take pakman's advice

Which video card is the best out of the following:

I currently have the NVIDIA GeForce 9500GS on my 64-bit quad core system running windows vista and I wanted to know which of the following is best for its price to upgrade to:

1) EVGA e-GeForce 8800GT 512MB PCI-Express Video Card ($149.99 [save $100])

2) BFG GeForce 9600GT 512MB PCI-E Video Card ($129.99 [save $120])

3) 3) XFX GeForce 8800 GT 512MB PCI-Express Video Card - Alpha Dog Edition ($149.99 [save $50])

4) BFG GeForce 8800 GT 512MB PCIe Video Card ($149.99 [save $100])

These are the hot offers currently at futureshop (bestbuy has none at the moment) and I am looking for one which will give me the best performance for its price. Here is my pc if this helps at all:

Please help me out here, I am still learning a lot about this stuff and am only 15. I am getting more and more into computers and your help is much appericiated!|||evga 8800gt

I just tried installing zune on my computer and it totally screwed up my video card settings. help me?

like i went to go on guild wars and it said that my vidoe card is not 3D but it always worked. and like my screen was all small. i just un-installed it, and it still wont work.|||The only thing I can suggest is to check your settings to make sure it is correctly for the game you want to play.

ASUS M4A89GTD PRO USB3 , video card already installed?

i looked a review in a website , and it say onboard vga ( whats vga? video card?) - ATI RADEON 4290 GPU , does this mean the motheboard has already a video/ graphics card installed? can i change it to a RADEON HD 6850? if not tell me some other video/ graphics card that is almost same in comparison with radeon hd 6850 with performance and price|||vga stands for video graphics adapter

pretty much all motherboard have onboard VGA. this is too keep costs down for builds that dont need graphics cards.

onboard vga is fine for general use and the newer ones such as the 4290hd are very good for watching hd movies and some very low level games such as total war games.

i actually have this exact motherboard with a 1055t in it and can highly recommend it.

the onboard vga is not removable from the motherboard it is part of the chipset and as gpus go is rubbish as it will be its only designed for a general use computer not a gaming one.

i personally also have a 6850 hd

as soon as the motherboard detects a graphics card in pci e slot 1 then it will disable the onboard vga (in this case the 4290 hd) and run using the 6850 hd

also in this motherboard make sure you read the instructions you need to insert the switch card into the pci card slot closest to the cpu to direct more bandwidth when only using one card to the slot one thats actually the slot furthest from the cpu (i didnt understand this setup either but its still an amazing motherboard got my 1055t to 4.5ghz stable overclock i was amazed)

so to answer your question onboard vga is very normal and yes you can put a graphics card in, you can actually put 2 graphics cards in crossfire if you want :)|||"onboard vga" means that the video adapter is part of the mobo.

Yes, you can install another video card.

Good Luck

What's a mid grade video card that I can put in my Dell Precision 670 Workstation?

I've tried different kinds but I always have the same problem. I can't get any video at all. The same problem comes no matter Nvidia or ATI. I'm looking to spend up to $200.|||…|||Im not too familiar with ATI cards, but for nVidia cards, which are way better, you should look for anything form the 7600GS and up to and including the 8600GS, anything above that is high-end expensive ($250 and up), but before you buy the card, make sure that the card will fit an AGP slot, because 99.99% of dells and their respective motherboards use and AGP video card slot, and if you buy a PCI-E card, you'll have to return it, good luck and email any other questions|||Just go to it all depends what you want and what you are going to do with it. I would recommend a 512mb graphics card but a 256mb will work if you are not going to do gaming check out this site for your options…

As for no video you may have to enable the card in device mangier and make sure that you get the drivers properly installed. Note some older dells do NOT have AGP slots know what slots you have before you buy.|||Geforce 8400 GS

DX 10 support and its only like 50 bucks

Can i upgrade my video card on my laptop? 10 points!?

i have a IBM Thinkpad T42 and a ATI mobility radeon 7500 video card

i need at least a T&L-capable video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM. ATI Radeon series 8500 or better, NVIDIA GeForce series GeForce2 GTS and better

to keep my sims 2 from crashing

can i upgrade/replace it? how??

thanks in advance :)|||It is not possible to upgrade the video controller in thinkpad notebooks. In fact there are only a few notebooks made that this is possible to do, but IBMs are not one of them. You can however upgrade the driver as new drivers are made available.|||Unfortunately you cannot upgrade the video card in a laptop.|||No you can't it is integrated into the motherboard|||you may be able to but it would be far cheaper to buy a new laptop

Pc monitor problem or just a Video card?

after the loading screen of my PC(its XP) the monitor turn black and only the back-light shows, I don't know why it happens, I already check-up the wiring of the monitor even the video card but all properly inserted, i just tried also the F8 solution in boot menu but no one of them(even the safe mode) help me to fix that thing. PLS help me! tnx! and sorry for my english!|||This is a known Windows XP issue dear. Try to boot using "Enable VGA mode" after pressing F8 or reinstall Windows.|||If you can navigate to the advance boot menu in F8, it's likely not your monitor. If you can boot to the F8 advanced boot menu, but the screen goes blank after the Windows logo, it is probably a video driver problem. Check your BIOS settings to see if that will resolve it. If you can't adjust video settings in your BIOS, I'd remove the video card and make sure it is compatible with your OS and motherboard. If it is, uninstall the drivers and find the proper XP drivers for the card.

Good luck.|||…

run scan @delete|||Your monitor is dead

Changing my Laptop video card?

I have a Toshiba laptop (I don't know where to look to get more details).

I like to play games on it, but the game moves slow when I enter "high traffic areas" (areas with the most movement/actions).

I'm thinking about getting a better video card but I don't know how to change a LAPTOP video card. Can you give me links or take me through all of the steps?

Thanks!|||On consumer-level notebooks, there is no video card but rather a graphics "chip" in your system's Discrete Logic ( a subsystem hardwired* or etched** on the motherboard ) that CANNOT be replaced.

One way you can ensure the best total (graphics, video and otherwise) performance of your PC is to install the MAXIMUM amount of RAM that it can take.

The rule on that is determined by two limits:

1) Your OS (32-bit (XP or Vista) will have a limit of 4 GBs (about 3.5 for Windows and 0.5 for the hardware subsystem) and 64-bit (XP or Vista depending on version) can go from 8 to 128 GBs)

2) Your PC slots number and physical RAM acceptance (varies by manufacturer and model line***)

* Hardwired means soldered to the motherboard

** Etched means burned on the motherboard ( those gold circuits lines )

*** The easiest way to get that information is to visit the support site of the PC manufacturer.|||You can't, the video circuitry is part of the system board.|||You can change but buy NVIDIA GeForce 295 . You dont try to open the laptop you might do something else by mistake . Go to your Vendor.

But if you have a Intel card you can't

See here…|||In laptops, there is not a separate video card. You can't change it.

HD video card accelerator questions?

The hp mini 1000 has an hd video accelerator card coming out as an accesorie. What does it do and what is it used for? Does it help gameplay or video performance?

Thanks!|||It's basically an add-on card that lets you play better games and watch higher quality video that you wouldn't get with the standard Mini.

The MPS performance of my video card is about half of what it should be. How can I improve it?

I have run some test off of and it says that based on other systems like mine my video card is running about as half as well as it should. Any tips on improving it?|||you did not mention what video card you have. make model and memory, driver revison, OS

based on your reply you have a good card, better than mine, but do not necessarily rely on the pitstop for comparisons, better off would be to go to maximum pc and see what benchmarks they use for system stressing out

Geoforce 3 TI 500 128 mb

p4 2.26 533fsb 1 gb ddr2 ram windows 2000 sp4 direct x 9c|||Graphic Cards rely on system memory and CPU speed i suggest you upgrade one of them..

Which Video Card should I get?

Alright so I'm looking for a video card that will run WoW with no problems on a desktop. I have 2GB of ram. I recently bought a PNY NVIDIA GeForce 6200 512MB DDR2 AGP Graphics Card from Best Buy and found out the hard way it's a piece of crap. The video card would need to be compatible with a Dimension E510 which is my model. Any help is greatly appreciated.|||in order for us to give you a answer you will have to tell us your processor type and motherboard.

if we were just to tell you to get a powerfull card it might just bottleneck your system resulting in slow Performance|||You need more RAM I can tell you that much. I don't play WOW but a desktop should have 4 GB minimum I would say in 2011, and more like 6 GB for gaming if your mobo can support it.

What is the best video capture card / software bundle available?

I wish to convert home movies on VHS and 8mm to digital media so I can burn it to DVD and also share with family over the internet. I think a hardware/software bundle is going to be the best way for me to go. I would like the ability to edit videos too, of course.

What is the best bundle available right now?

What would be the best available under $200?

Thanks!|||You may use the best software I have seen AVS Video Tools. It can convert to/from all key format, upload video or DVD directly to key portables like iPod, Sony PSP, Archos, Zen Creative, and mobiles.

It can capture video from DV or webcams, TV tuners, DVB-T, DVB-S, transfer VHS tapes to DVD, remove commercials, edit video, copy and burn DVDs and video files: AVI (DivX, XviD, etc.), MP4, WMV, 3GP, 3G2, QuickTime (MOV, QT), SWF, DVD, VOB, VRO, MPEG 1,2,4, MPG, DAT, VCD, SVCD, ASF, H.263, H.264, RM, DVR-MS.

There is the free download link:…

Also, you can search some other ones:

Will Left 4 Dead 2 work on my NVIDIA GeForce 6100 video card?

When I download the demo and try to play it, I says it doesnt mean the requirements.

if it doesnt should I get another graphics card and with that work even though this graphic card is integrated into the motherboard I guess.

If so which one shall I buy?

Any help would be great thanks|||The Integrated GeForce 6100 is usless for games.

If you're on a desktop, a Radeon 4670 would be ideal.……

As previously explained, laptop graphics adapters usually cannot be changed.|||You'll need to know what motherboard you have, and if it has a PCIe 16x slot. If it does you can buy a card and use it. If it doesn't, your stuck with that slow 6100.|||get a ps3|||Are you using a laptop or a desktop? If the GPU is integrated into the motherboard then you can't replace it, if it's a laptop with dedicated graphics then it's a ***** to replace but not impossible, and if it's a desktop then it's much more of a straight swap for a new card. Try to get something with at least 256Mb dedicated graphics memory.|||you should look on the game requirements and see which of the requirements you do not meet - not necessarily your graphics card

Upgrading a video card. How?

how do you take out your video card and replace it with a new one?|||Be sure to power off the pc and unplug it from the power source before doing ANYTHING! make sure you are grounded. best place is a hardwood floor or laminate. Standing on carpet and sliding your feet around creates static electricity. touching the case itself will generally ground you to the case and prevent static electric discharge. open up the side of the case and look for your video card. If you don't know what it looks like you shouldn't be doing it at all. next remove the screw/screws holding the card in place from the back of the pc. Next you want to push the tab holding the card to the board down to the unlocked position. Remove the card from it's slot and insert the new one. Lock the tab that holds it to the mobo and put in the screw that holds the card into the case. You should know the rest. The computer should recognize the card immediately. Make sure to get all the latest drivers and directX. DO NOT INSTALL DIRECTX 10 ON AN XP COMPUTER!!!!! This will cause crashes all over. If you need help finding the drivers or directX look to the manufacturer's website.|||you take out the screw outside the case and you pull out the card inside and put the new one in.

Is this a good PSU for this video card?

im going to get a MSI GeForce GTX 560 Ti Video Card and was wondering if Diablotek PHD Series 650W ATX Power Supply (PHD650) is good for it.|||+12V@46A means it will power it safely

650W is more than enough power.

That will work just fine.

Some may say to go for Corsair or SIlverstone but this power supply looks to be a great balance of price and performance.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Video Card Question - where to find it?

Hi! I was never interested in any accelarators but now when I donload this "Medieval 2 - Total war" game I've got pissed off that I couldn't play it, the message is: The program requires graphic card with picsel shades 1.1 or better. These are they requirements below. Anyway -are these requirements for most of games nowdays? Where to get good graphic card and how much it cost? Which one is the best? Thanks a lot for your help!


-128MB Hardware Accelerated video card with Shader 1 support

and the latest drivers. Must be 100% DirectX® 9.0c

compatible*. Nvidia® GeForce 4 Ti 4400 or ATI Radeon® 9800

are the recommended minimum hardware.|||Well that depends on your hardware and system you are running. So there is no good answer with out your configuration.|||Hi,

Over one million consumer written reviews and the prices of almost every website on the internet at cheapest prices search engine.|||Try looking at for video cards, its a good website for things like this.

It has a tool called "Drill Down" which allows you to "drill down" to the card you need, allowing you to choose connection type, speed, mem size, and much more.|||Buy the most powerful you can find

What's the best video card around $70?

can anyone suggest a video card that's around $70 and is used for games.|||i would recommend the 512mb PNY GT 240 awesome game performance i use it for Grand Theft Auto IV and Flight Simulator X and Flight simulator X Acceleration it has 4 HDMI ports DVI AND VGA PORTS

How does more memory in a video card help gaming?

im looking to buy a new video card and i was looking at the system requirements for different games and the more powerful ones want 512mb of memory to run it at full settings but i've seen much better cards with only 256mb and when i asked my friend about it he said that it didn't really matter that much but didn't actually explain it to me so i was wondering what the extra memory actually does|||The type of memory used on the graphics card can be accessed by your computer's processor much faster than permanent memory.

So, the more of the graphics data (which can take up rather a lot of space) that can be stored in this faster memory, the faster, and smoother your gaming experience will be.

I'm sorry to say that your friend is mistaken, it really does matter how much memory your graphics card has. Unless of course, you're only playing Solitaire on Windows; then, indeed, it really doesn't matter.

But if you're a high resolution, fast action, gamer. The more memory you have, the more you'll enjoy your experience.

Of course, there is something to be said for maintaining the equilibrium of your machine. For example, if you're on a Pentium 1 machine, you can put the biggest memory graphics card you can find in there - it won't make any difference!

But if you're computer is up-to-spec, and you're only looking at graphics cards, 512MB over 256MB anyday.|||I think you are talking about RAM- I never heard of a video game that requires 512mb of RAM.|||The graphics memory is accessed by the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), NOT the main processor. Most of your graphics calculations are done via the GPU which has access to the graphics memory. The more "on board" graphics memory you have, that is the memory that is physically located on the video card, then more of the graphics program data and instructions can be stored thereby reducing access to the hard disk. Remember all of your programs, everything, is located on the harddrive and must be put in either the main memory or, in the case of graphics programs/data , in the video card memory to be executed or accessed.

In some cases, when there isn't a large amount of video memory, ie. graphics memory, the system will asssign some of your main memory as "shared" memory. that is it is "shared" by both normal programs/data and graphics programs/data.

I need to buy a video card?


I have an Intel motherboard of model DG31PR,

PSU with power 450 watt,

2.98 GB of RAM,

Screen resolution of 1024x768

and Windows XP pro service pack 3.

which video card should i get for this kind of PC?

I need it so I can play the new upcoming games(Call of duty...)

NOTE:I have a PCI Express slot and I want it to be a 1GB card and LESS than $100.

Any suggestions?|||HD 5770 has the same or faster core clock and can run even BF3 on high setting no lag|||Radeon 6770 HD|||this link is very good....let it put an "add-on" on to your PC.. then type in a game you like,(or u can scroll from a drop down menu) then it will compare your hardware & software, to your chosen game requirments, then it will give you either a pass or fail result, but also will tell you what the recommend g/card, ram etc etc , you may or may not need from any game you pick from it's menu(100's of games,including all the latest

use this site often|||Your computer is not well suited for the minumum requirements for hot new games. You will not be satisfied with the shitty little dinky discreet GPU that less than 100 dollars will get you.|||AMD6770

I need to change my video card on my PC Compaq Presario S4300nx. Which video card are my options?

I currently have a Compaq Presario S4300nx. I want to upgrade my video card. It's currenty a stock "Intel Extreme 2 Graphics Processor with 64MB Shared Memory", which is built into the motherboard. I was wondering what my options were regarding video cards? And also if it's pretty easy to install one? Also, hoping not having to install a new power supply...but might have to for a good video card. My pc has had no other upgrades.|||If your going to upgrade your video card you may want to bump up you ram to.

If you running a 64 with 256 ram it may work fine, but when you go to 128 your going to want at least 512 ram. My guess is that your not doing it to make your games look better but to increase performance and ran newer games.

I have a ATI 9000 in one camp and a Ge-force 5200 in the other.

ATI doesn't consume as much ram on a constant bases. But they run almost the same. ATI has little better definition of font.|||you might try out the nVIDIA graphics card. You wil have a stunning mutimedia experience. Go for it...|||If your board and an AGP slot, get that one so you dont have to waste a PCI slot.|||You will need an AGP video card. there are many still available in all price ranges. here is one example…

installing one is simple. the best thing you could do is look on line for a tutorial on how to install a video card.|||Video cards can be installed in PCI, AGP, or PCI-E slots. You need to open up your case and figure out which one of these you have available. Keep in mind that PCI-E is the fastest, AGP 2nd, and PCI 3rd. Now, once you've decided which one you want, go find a nVidia or ATI card that has 128 or 256 mb that fits in the slot you want, check to make sure your computer meets all the requirements, purchase it. Once you have it, instalation is REALLY easy. Just pop the card into the slot, plug the monitor into the new port on the monitor, and install the drivers off of the CD that came with the card. You'll want to go into the device manager and disable your old video card before switching your monitor over, otherwise you'll have a blank screen to deal with.|||You can really get any video card , and use your AGP or PCI slots. if your looking for an idea , try here to see your options… Hope that helps!!

I'm having trouble with my video card. Can someone please help me?

Every time I try to use Windows Media Center it syas my video card or driver is not compatible. My system recently crashed.|||Go to the website of you card maker.

Download the latest drivers and look specifically for the updated drivers to see if this has been an issue with media center.|||which video card are u using first fall it should be compatible and the proper drivers of the card should be installed to let it work on windows media check out the latest drivers for that particular card and then check it out!|||Did you use Windows media center before with this same Video card? The only reason I ask is I am running Windows Vista RC1 and for at least 1 of the programs it says my video card will not work since it is not using Direct X 9.0, mine says it is Direct X version 8.0.

If it did work with this card before then you need to download or find on your Disk that came with the computer all the drivers that were on before. If you can run your pC try to go to and when it pops up asking for Xpress install or Custom Install choose custom. This will also download updated drivers along with any needed updates for the operating system. Hope this helps.

Can i use a amd video card on and intel motherboard?

i am thinking ob buying a MSI Radeon HD 6870 Hawk Video Card and it is a amd video card i dont know if it will work on my intel mother board|||Yep, as long as the motherboard has a PCI-Express x16 slot and your power supply meets the requirements for the Radeon HD 6870 (minimum 500 watts with two 6-pin power connecters)|||yes, as long as the motherboard has an expansion card that fits the video card.

How do i upgrade my video card from the internet?

i just bought Medal of Honor: Airborne and my pc says my video card is like out of date or old or something

when i went to, it said this

128 MB NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT or greater (GeForce 6800XT, 6800LE, 7100GS, 7200GS, 7200LE, 7300GS, 7300GT not supported); ATI Radeon X1300 Pro or greater. Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported.

You Have: Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller (Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller)

so do you guys have any ideas

oh and on the manuel thingy it said you can upgrade the video card for free at the companies maker's website or something but i can't find that either



(had dis game fer like 2 months and still can't solve this)|||A video card is a physical device, located inside of your computer. You can't "upgrade" your video card by downloading anything. You have to actually buy a better video card and replace your old one.

I think what you meant to ask was "How do I update my video card drivers". If that's what you mean, then you can have a look at the manufacturer's website.…

I think that's the proper link.|||You're going to have to buy a new video card. The built in video card you have sucks. And most built-in that come with computers do. (cheaper) (ships quicker)

You need to find out what type of Video Card your motherboard takes. Most likely PCI-E. If it's AGP you're going to have to do alot more searching. I don't have enough info about your PC to give all the right details of what you'll need. Their are too many variables.|||you cant u retard!

Is any video card better than no video card?

I'm planning to upgrade my computer which I bought in 2004. It has 2 GB of RAM and 64MB integrated graphics. If I buy a graphics card with 256MB of RAM, will I notice lots of improvement?|||of course anything with more RAM is likely to have a better preformance than 64mb intergrated. also intergrated cards tend to be less powerful than external graphics cards. also you have to consider other things than RAM. RAM is not the only thing that determins a graphics cards effectiveness you also have to look at clock speed..etc. but as to your question basiclly yes you will notice a difference|||Yes you will but you can't put anything powerful on that pc.

All recent video cards use pci-e I doubt your pc uses that.

At that point the processor is bottlenecking the video card

Dual Monitor Setup with older video card?

Is there a way to install dual monitors if my graphics card only has one port?

I bought a vga splitter thinking that it would allow me to use dual monitors but I was wrong. Is there any software I can download or anything else that I can do without buying a new video card?

Thanks!|||adaptors have been made that can do it but they weren't cheap and often the image quality was somewhat poor.

You may be able to add a second older video card but not all cards support such setups.

Probablly the easiest and cheapest option is to buy a new card, they aren't terriblly expensive.

What Type of Video Card For Inspiration 530s?

What kind of a video card should I use if I have a Inspiration 530s?|||Upgrade the power supply and you will have a much better choice of the video cards that you can use.…

You can buy video cards here:…

however your systems power supply is not strong enough to handle any of these cards.|||You have a PCI-e 16X slot, a 300 watt power supply that really will emit 300 watts, and the ability to use normal full height cards. If you upgrade your power supply, basically anything will work. As stock, a 9500GT and HD4650/70 will both work fine. I wouldn't try anything higher, though, and I specifically suggested those two because they perform the fastest given their meagre five amp power draw. They won't dissapoint the moderate gamer.

If you have $100 what video card would you buy?

If you have $100 what video card would you buy??|||i would buy this one…

or this…

or this http…|||personally id save up alittle more ... but if i just couldnt wait maybe an nvidia 8500gt ..|||Depends on what you want to do with it. Any Nvidia 256MB PCI express card is good. If you are interested in a Jaton Nvidia Geforce 7300le 256mb PCI express card, Contact me at You can keep 60 bucks in your pocket.|||Save more money. You can't get a good video card for $100.|||You can get a decent card for that much but I woudnt recommend it. You could get the 8500gt but thats pretty slow. theres an 8800gts thats about 300 thats really good for the price.|||Heres a link for cheaper:……

Ati video cards are for gaming for they are faster.

I have an emachine T5026, I need a new video card.?

I've bought guitar hero 3 for my pc,

turns out I need a new video card.

But I need one that's compatible with my computer.

help?|||from what ive found you can only use a PCI card

NOT!.. AGP or PCI xpress

just plain PCI..your choices will be limited though as plain PCI is old technology.|||check out your computer spec's then go on e-bay under video cards and find the 1 you need|||I'm not exactly sure how to answer this question. You will either need a PCI video card, or a AGP probably. The best course of action would be to ask emachines what your comptuer should use. You can use this link to contact them online:…|||u can to bestbuy, pc richard&son, stapple, all u have to do tell the model of pc

I have an HP Pavillion dv6 notebook- what kind of video card do I have?

I've read that the computer is equiiped (or supposed to be) with an nvidia graphics card, geforce 7200 series i believe. However, when I search, all I can find is something about mobile intel chip family?

Im asking this because try as I might i cant get my game, Mass Effect, to run, and this is the only possibility i can think of|||What model DV6 do you have? DV6 is the SERIES... there are hundreds of different DV6 laptops. Some have NVidia chipsets, some have ATI, some have Intel GMA. In order to look up exactly which one you have, we would have to know your exact model number. It's on a white tag on the bottom of the laptop.

end of line|||Go to… and look up the specifications for your lap top by model number.

You can also find this by going to hardware, devise manager, scroll list, right click the devise, click properties.|||Look in your Device Manager--

..or search your Resource Disk.

Is the video card 'Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family' equivalent to a NVIDIA 5900 or ATI 9600?

I need to know if my Sony Vaio will run a computer game that requires a NVIDIA 5900 or ATI 9600 or above. It says the name of the video card in my computer is 'Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family.' I need to know if that will meet the requirements for the game to run properly. Thanks!|||depends on the computer game. Some games require more powerful video cards than others. The video card your Vaio has is not a computer gaming video card; therefore, even if the game runs, it probably won't run as well as it would on an NVIDIA or ATI video card.

Does anyone know where on the motherboard the network card, sound card, and video card is located?

I know that these three cards are located on the motherboard, but where exactly on the motherboard are they located in? I am a little confused because it has been a while since I've seen a motherboard.|||usually the lower left of the motherboard|||Aren't the network card, sound card, and video card usually loacted on the expansion slots? or PCI slots, it should be pretty obvious cause its vertical|||Most newer MBs have these integrated into the board. The reason you cant find them is probably due to the fact that they are on the board. Look at your MB manual or search for it on-line. Your video card is most likely the top card (nearest to the CPU). If you have the others they are located below the video.





-------- VIDEO

-------- PCI SLOT

-------- PCI SLOT|||It depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Standard PCI/ISA/AGP etc. cards are located towards the back of the motherboard standing vertically and providing the ports to which you plug in your monitor, ethernet, speakers etc.

However, built in "cards" are not actually cards but chipsets placed directly on the motherboard much like your processor only these chips cannot be removed. If there is a conflict with a card that you are trying to install (ie a new video card is conflicting with the onboard video card) then you should have an option to disable them (Legacy disable) within the BIOS upon startup.

Whats the best PCI video card?

My system only has PCI slots so im looking for a good pci video card|||There is no such thing as a "good PCI video card."

PCI is and always will be slow as molasses, because they are hobbled by the PCI bus's snail's-pace 33mHz data transfer speed, with a bandwidth of just 133MB/sec.

The PCI bus simply cannot keep a GPU fed with graphics data fast enough.

In contrast, PCIExpress 16x has a bandwidth starting at 4GB/sec for v1.0. (that's 4096MB/sec.) That's over 30 times faster than old PCI.

If you want to play games at decent speeds with decent amount of graphics detail, save your money and get a new computer with PCIExpress 16x.|||Hey Jeff, don't waste your money on a PCI card, I did and it was a huge Waste!

I can look a card up for you but what are your Intentions of using it for?


Help with My Computer Question!;…

If Games, what type, or whats the name.|||like everyone else said, you'll be using an outdated video card...…

have fun.|||Its depending upon your motherboard.

Some use NVIDIA and some use ATI...

I used both of them but i found ATI is best and give fast access to graphics

Should I buy a new video card/ram or just a new PC?

Hi, I recently noticed that my computer is hella slow when running multiple applications and lags a bit in some games even in the lowest quality, so I'm just wondering, should I buy a new PC or just buy a new graphic card/ram? Here's my specs:

Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.070227-2254)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: VIA Technologies, Inc.

System Model: PM800-8237

BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG

Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz

Memory: 448MB RAM

Page File: 346MB used, 710MB available

Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS

DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode

I have to let you all know that I'd rather not use so much money on a new PC, I just want to know your suggestions. And also, would my computer handle RAM/VIDEO CARDS? If I bought a new computer I would have to buy one that is 800 or less.. Thanks!|||i own a computer repair company and in my opinion

if u are willing to spend 800 dollars i would upgrade that pc

the one thing u did not specify is wether or not u are running nvidia or ati

so i will answer for both options

if ur using nvidia already on ur motherboard u should get this graphics card for 450 dollars,

if u are using ATI u should get this card,

with either card u use u should get this ram or this amount (u did not specify wat type of ram u have)

i build custom computers for large companies and some individuals, if u would like to email me some more info i could design a custom system for u within ur pricerange, my email is

|||I think you got a very good system. I suggest to increase the memory to 1GB. Make sure you got enough memory slots available and correct memory for you computer.|||I think you need to consider some spring cleaning. When was the last time you defragged your computer? Deleted your tempoary internet files lately? Ran Spybot? ran adawareSE? Removed programs that aren't being used? Checked your hard drive for free space? compressed the files on your hard drive? Chose what programs you absolutely needed running in startup? ran cc cleaner? Right click on C: drive in my computer and then click on properties; you should see how much space you actually are using and what you have remaining . . . its a pie graph . . . click on disc clean up; then click on tools after you finish the disk clean up; and you can see how to defrag . . . you cant hurt it. there are bunches of little tricks that you can do to speed up your computer. I suspect you have some spyware running in the background, and that is what is slowing you down. If nothing else buy a flash drive and move some of your stuff to it.

Where can i buy PCI (NOT PCI-E) video card here on Balanga,Bataan?

i have an old Emachines C2881 and i like to upgrade the video card.. so where can i buy PCI card. i know its rare. but can someone help me out?|||PCI are not rare here in the states.

You can try I know that they ship internationally for some of their products. Do a search for PCI video cards.

Another place you can try is eBay, and find a seller who ships internationally.

If you cannot find a website that ships internationally, you can use a forwarder like

You can order a product ship it to an address in the US, and they will ship it to your location. It's a little troublesome, but that is an option.

It it possable to put a better video card in my acer aspire 5735Z?

i dont know if i can because the card is integrated into the mother board so can some one help?|||No, you can't.

I need to find a good motherboard that has pci express slots for a pci-e video cod4 and want to play.?

need good motherboard that is capable of a PCI-EXPRESS video card. but also kinda cheap.|||im not sure of the motherboard.. but i would go with the 8600gt if youre on a budget since it can run COD 4 at high/max at a high resolution rate.. its like 60 bucks now...

-if you want something newer.. try going for the GeForce 9 series..theyre a bit more expensive since they're newer..(geforce 8 came out for a while already)

I personally would get the 9600gt it has a fast memory clock speed.and its cheap.. like 115 bucks.. (It can run also CRYSIS at high/max and COD 4 at max out everything)

Is it okay to put a surged video card in my computer?

my old PC had a power surge in it about 2 months ago and i was wondering if the video card will be safe to put in another PC (that old computer got fixed but never worked properly ever again)|||if the computer died because of a power surge, the power supply, mobo, or processor could have been affected

but the gpu could have stayed perfectly fine. (computers don't need a gpu to run)

try it, if it's dead, there's a good chance it won't hurt the computer.

I have an older computer that was fresh scrubbed. It has a video card, but I don't know what kind.?

The video card says it was made by ATI, but that is all the info I can get from the labels. They are mostly just serial numbers or part numbers.

(01)00727419483030(21)05822 87424 and the P/N is 332836-002.

I am getting sick of 16 colors and 640 x 480 video. I need to get the right drivers installed. Thanks for any help anyone can give me.|||This should be a ATI Rage Pro IIC card, go to

and try that one|||Did google search on the part number, and I did have the same card in an older computer

Report Abuse

|||when ur pc boots the first thing it shows is the video card model if u r fast enough u can read it

I Get blue dots on my screen with my ATI Radeon 9250 Video card?

It just randomly started when i launched a game...

i've narrowed it down to a video card problem

please help

thanx|||get a new video card|||check your monitor|||Check your Application Settings and check ATI Support to see if there is a Catalyst or Driver Update. If issue still persists then your VGA card is probably defective or DOA.

Its a shot in the dark but you can also check BIOS settings and allocate more VGA memory usage (if not maxed out already).

How to get correct drivers for ur video card ?

i added some different drivers to mah video card and now its not showing ! the games i used to play are now showing that i dont have necessary video card.........please help !!!|||hi, the video card manufacturer's site may work for you, try that. if still no help there, hope this program can be helpful instead. here is the link for video drivers:…

you can also keep asking on the following forum:

hope my answer helps.

good luck|||go to the cards company's website and get the drivers for it from there|||Which card do you have?

Just bought this video card and i was wondering if anyone can guide me to using the s-video card?

Just bought this video card and i was wondering if anyone can guide me to using the s-video card?

SAPPHIRE 100198L Radeon X1650 512MB 128-bit GDDR2 AGP 4X/8X Video Card - Retail|||first you will need a program that captures raw video from the source (video camera)

Next you will need a s-video cable that couples up to the video card and the camera...

then you will need a big hard disk drive. to save the raw video onto,, a minute of video can take up 100 megabytes of disk space so it don't take long to run out of disk space

click on the link below

do a web search for >>


Video card and motherboard compatibility?

I want to buy a video card for my K9N6PGM2-V and I wanted to buy an Nvidia 9400 DDR2 1Gb. Will there be any issues or problems??|||System Requirements

> 512MB of system memory

> CD or DVD-ROM drive

> 100MB of available hard disk drive space for basic driver installation

> Microsoft® Windows Vista™ or XP operating system

> PCI Express® or PCI Express® 2.0-compliant system motherboard with one vacant PCI Express® x16 slot

> 350W PCI Express®-compliant system power supply with a combined 12V current rating of 18A or more (Minimum system power requirement based on a PC configured with an Intel Core®2 Duo processor)

****IF YOU MEET THESE REQUIREMENTS THERE SHOULD BE NO PROBLEMS OR ISSUES****|||No issues. It has your pci x16 slot :) Remember that mobo is a slim! so make sure ur tower is micro as well, or the screws aint gona fit man|||DDR2 should be PCI Express 2. if you have this slot then no issue or problem.

My best choice for an AGP video card?

I have an old desktop that has a maximum RAM of 512mb, a 1.3 intel 3 processor and intel 8285 (something along those lines) integrated graphics. Could someone give me an idea of how great of an AGP card i could install considering these limitations. I know i'm working on a computer with very little life left in it.|||Has Directx 10.1…

But you may need to get a higher watt power supply check the specifications tab|||POWERCOLOR AGP X1650 PRO

They sell for about $70-90.

What video card do I need?

I am looking to replace the video card in my PC. I have an radeon x1600 rv515 vidoe card, and my CPU is the AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+. I am looking at getting one from Not too expensive. Could someone post links to a few, as I am not sure which on to get.|||Well, it all depends on money you are ready to spend, but here are my recommendations (if gaming is in question):


This is the one I own (mine is Sapphire, but still)- I am very satisfied- run everything in high quality so far. Fair price. You can take Vapor-X too, 10$ higher, but better cooling

2. If you prefer Nvidia (bit more expensive -201$)…

Those are are my choices- but if you are not interested in gaming, take something cheaper. However, you will not go wrong with the first one!|||Which is your psu?What do you want it for?

Is there any easier way to install a video card for a laptop?

hey i own a acer laptop and im wondering if there easy way to install a video card like Nvidia Geforce or sumthing like somthing u can plug in a usb port|||search for either Asus xg station or just a general search for laptop external graphics and you should get what your looking for...but as far as internally changing cards...not really feasible|||not possible in these days.. may be in some time we would have this facility

u cant upgrade grade graphics of ur laptop

actually u can do it but then ur laptop wont be a laptop

coz u have to solder the graphics card to ur laptops motherboard

n thts going to be a mess

Whats the difference between a PCI Express 2.0 x16 video card and a PCI Express x16 video card?

Can I use a PCI Express 2.0 x16 video card on my PCI Express x16 mother-board ?...I have Dual NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT SLI Enabled video cards...and im looking to up-grade my video cards|||2.0 video cards will take advantage of the double bandwidth used in 2.0 pci-e slots.

Any PCI Express card will work in any PCI Express slot, given that the physical dimensions match.|||Most PCIe x16 slots are version 2.0, and your graphics card certainly is a PCIe x16 2.0 card.

So you can use your 8600 GT.

Some cards use the newer version (PCIe x16 2.1), but they will work with the older and more common version 2.0 slots as well.

If i have a windows xp what kind of video card do i need?

i just got the sims 3 but i need to get a video card

what kind do i need|||A saphire HD card. This would be better but for maximum quality in gaming you need to upgrade your ram.|||…

It's a mid range card for a good price|||Any of the ATI 4000 series cards will work. They are inexpensive now.

Agp video card with new computer under construction?

Motherboard I am using said I can only use a 1.5 volt AGP video card. I have a x1600pro by ATI but I have been told it is 3 volt. Ebay cards do not seem to list voltage----I am using this for design graphics/ some 3D. Any suggestions on boards???? Thanks!!|||…

What is the best video card that is worth up to 200 dollars right now? pci-E express 16x ect. with DVI ports?

I have a Dell xps 410 with the intell core duo 2.13. I wanna play shadowrun. my system has 2 gig's memory and enough free space. just looking for a good video card. what about the GTX geforce 7800 256?|||…

This is a DirectX 10 card, and it is faster than the 7800.|||below is a list ranging from $200 to $300...

When using windows desktop connection does the computer you're using use it's video card for all of it?

Say I have a really powerful desktop with windows 7 ultimate and are using windows desktop connection with a laptop using vista or 7 home preimum. I'm playing a game and does the laptop I'm using use it's video card to play the game or is it streamed from my desktop|||The video is processed by your PC. The laptop is just getting the display.

The video lag you are seeing is caused by the delay on the remote connection, not by the graphics card.|||So, let me get this straight in plain english.

Are you trying to use your laptop to remotely connect to your desktop so that you can display the images through your laptop, but using the resources of your desktop to play the game?

Using Remote Desktop will use minimal resources and even if you have it running in the background, it will have no effect on a game your playing.

If you are doing something like Live Wallpaper then it may have a litle impact but it really depends on the spec of your computer and video card.

I can have three full length videos running in the background while playing Left4Dead2 on top of it without it skipping, but my desktop is pretty powerful.

I am missing the driver for my video controller, I have a radeon x300 series card but when I go and install?

driver for that card it totally screws up the display on my monitor, it changes the display settings to like the lowest level and I can't change them back until I uninstall the driver my computer works fine without it but video and gaming are not so good how can I fix this??|||Here, this site should have the drivers you need:

Just.. fill in the info; Heh.

Hope it helps!|||you may nedd to do a "total " uninstall. Use the link below to download a prg that will totally erase all driver remnants. Works with ATI and Nvidia cards. Worked for me.

HDMI or DVI for video card to Monitor?

whats better when it comes to video cards to monitors. if i was to get a gender changer, should i get it for the video cards end, or the monitors end? why would be kewl to know too.|||The video signal is exactly the same. The only difference between HDMI and DVI is that HDMI also carries sound.

Most monitors that have an hdmi port will also have a DVI port. If your video card only outputs dvi you can get a DVI to HDMI adapter for very cheap. Most graphics cards that don't have an HDMI output come with one free.…


Do I buy a Nvidia 8800 video card or a cheap DirectX 9 video card and wait to upgrade?

I´m buying a new pc and that´s the question: 8800 and no future upgrade or a cheap dx9 video card that would be changed later.|||The real question here is do you want to get a card that isn't worth the money? The 8800 is a nice card but it's not that great, nvidia just put it out to say i have the first dx 10 video card. If i were you i would wait until they come out with a better more revised version of a dx 10 video card. Hope this helps a little. ohh and if you want a very very good dx 9 card for a good price get the XFX 7600 gt XXX edition it's a very good card for the price.|||The only thing I could see holding you back from buying the 8800 is the fact that those are new video cards and as of yet we are unsure of their stability. Other than that, why would you even want a DirectX 9 card? I have herd and read that the visuals for Directx 10 are stunning. So get the DirectX 10 if you can afford it.|||If you are into PC gaming and will be diving into X10 software head on, I would go with the 8800 now. If not, then buy a 7900 series, overclock it and buy some AMD shares with what's left over (they're coming back... ). You'll have enough for top of the line second generation X10 video card...|||Yes, wait a bit for the Direct X 10 to be the high standard.|||yep just get the cheap dx9 video card and change later... you can play games such as doom3 and far cry.

Can I install in a 4x AGP slot with a video card 4x/8x specs?

can I install 4x/8x video card in a 4x slot? they say you can but the performance will be 4x..|||You sure can. A 4x/8x card can work in either a 4x or 8x AGP slot. It's true that if you have a 4x slot that it will run at 4x instead of 8x, but hey, that's the best your system can do.

AGP 4x

A 32-bit channel operating at 66 MHz quad pumped to an effective 266 MHz resulting in a maximum data rate of 1066 MB/s (1 GB/s); 1.5 V signaling;

AGP 8x

A 32-bit channel operating at 66 MHz, strobing eight times per clock, delivering an effective 533 MHz resulting in a maximum data rate of 2133 MB/s (2 GB/s); 0.8 V signaling.…

Find out details about video card?

How can I see if my video card from my PC is replaceable because i heard that you cant change the video card to some PC ???|||Go here...

And find out what type of GPU you have. Pay particular attention to the "Bus Interface" field. This will tell you what type of interface your current GPU is using.

If it is PCI, AGP or PCI-E, then you can upgrade it. If it is blank or "N/A" or something like that, you have on-board graphics in which case...

Go here...

First, check the "Graphics" tab. This will tell you what you have now.

Then find out what type of Motherboard you have and what type of interface you have available for a GPU upgrade. Go to the "Mainboard" tab, and look to the "Graphics Interface" listing. Same as above, if it says PCI, AGP or PCI-E, you are good for an appropriate upgrade, with a card that uses the same BUS type.|||if your computer is really old then you would have to upgrade other things in order to upgrade the video card. in which case it would be cheaper to buy a new computer. As far as I know, other than that, you should be able to replace it.

Dell dimension 2350 video card upgrade?

i have a dell dimension 2350 with a gig of ram, and the stock video card. PCI express is not an option! i want to play sims 2 and not be irritated anymore. aside from building a new comp is there a video card i can buy that will improve game performance?|||I'm going to assume that since you don't have PCIe that you won't have AGP either. Since you are limited to PCI, I would recommend the following cards:

Radeon X1550 - Extra Power, while heavy on the Power Supply Unit.…

Radeon X1300 - Nearly the Same as X1550, but a Little Easier on the PSU; a bit higher in price than X1550.…

I am not an Nvidia person, so the other choice would be about the equivelent of these cards. These will get you as up-to-date as you possibly can; once these go bad, you'll need a complete overhaul.

Double check your PSU and case size before you buy as well. This will save possible headaches in the future.

Good luck. =P

Why won't my ATI Radeon x600 Video Card work on my computer?


I have a PCI-e video card I bought and when I tried to install it, my monitor wouldn't come on (my system still gets power though).

I have:

== MSI G41M-P34 Motherboard

== ATI Radeon x600 128MB PCI-e DVI S-Video H9142 Video Card

I downloaded the drivers for the card, but it won't let me install them until I attach the hardware. Any suggestions? Thanks!|||install the graphics card, disable the onboard gpu in bios (if any), then boot up and install the drivers for it. Although seriously, I hope you payed little to nothing for that card, that thing is really REALLY old by today's standards.

If it doesn't turn on, you might need to get a bigger power supply.|||Depending on how your system is set up you probably have to boot it up and go into setup. Find where the video options are and make sure that you enable the card. If it was manufacture built go on line and download the repair or replacement information that is specific to your system. If you built it then you should be able to go to the manufacturer of the motherboard and get the same information if you are not sure how to do this.|||Try to use "ATI Drivers Update Utility" to update your ATI video drivers automatically.. It knows which drivers are compatible with your computer.

Google for it to try. or download it here…

Is this video card compatible with my motherboard?

I have a " PCI Express x16 (running at x 4)" slot. The video card in question requires "PCI Express 2.0". I don't want to buy something I won't be able to use so thanks for your help.|||Yes, it is compatible. A PCI Express x16 slot fits 2.0 cards and 2.1 cards (they're basically the same thing)|||PCI Express 2.0 Cards are backward compatible with old standard PCI-Express X16 cards, so it will work just fine, it just will not run as fast as it could.

What is a good upgrade from an EVGA 8800GT Video Card?

I am looking to upgrade in April for my Video Card and Power Supply. Would a 200 series nvidia graphics card last me at least a year from now? I was thinking about getting the gtx 260 superclocked then upgrading to a gtx 285 a month after that. also what is a good power supply that can support the 200 series? An 850 watt by Corsair?|||You only need >700W if running SLI or Crossfire, but there's no harm in a Corsair 850.

For the money you can't beat the XFX GTX 260 Core 216 Black edition- it matches some of the 280s. But EVGA's step up program is sweet, do the 260->285 dance!|||Get a pair of 280s or 295 the power supply you want should be at least 1 KW/hr

Is Nvidia GeForce GTS 450 (Fermi) good video card?

Is that a good video card to get? Like i want to play games like Call of Duty, Deus Ex, all thoses other games that are coming out and stuff|||Yes,it'a good video card.…

Also check out at Ebay…|||It's good, if you're not a hardcore gamer. Those typically go up a step to the GTX 460|||It's a good midrange graphics card, it'll be fine for new games, as long as you don't want to run all of them on the absolute highest settings.

Will this video card work for minecraft?

okay i have been getting the bad video card problum for minecraft and everything looks fine with my computer and have done multiple things to solve it so i have come to a conclusion that my video card is not good enough so will this one play minecraft

Evga Nvidia GeForce 6200 PCI video card with 256MB DDR2

thats what im lookin at for 70 dollars|||How old is your computer? By the way, the 6200 is ancient, it's a model from around 2006... it's not worth more than $45 (even that's too much for something so old)…

If your computer is fairly recent, you'll want a PCI-Express video card, not PCI.

For example, this is better than any PCI video card:…

But if you really need a PCI card, yeah it would work... Although if you're gonna spend $70 you should get the Zotac GT 430 (PCI version) on Amazon for about $70|||6200 256mb ddr2? Lol, that is very old. Definetly not with high fps. Maybe around 3

I want to upgrade my video card on an eMachines E620- 5885 from ATI Radeon X1200 to something like GeForce?

Like I said, I want to upgrade my eMachines E620-5885 from ATI Radeon X1200 to a GeForce graphics card. Is it possible?|||Unfortunately, you cannot change the video card on laptops, it's built-in to the motherboard. So whatever it came with, is permanent for the lifetime of the unit.

On desktops you can buy better video cards, sound cards, power supplies etc. and replace components.

The only way to upgrade a laptop's graphics capability is with an external video adapter like the ATI XGP or Asus XG station, but those are expensive.|||Prebuilt pc's have minimal power supplies to keep price competitive.

You will probably need a higher wattage psu if you get 9600 or above geforce.

Get a 500W psu with 18 - 20 amps on the +12V output will handle most single card geforce setups.

I didnt check the model number E620- 5885 is a laptop the next poster is right.You can't upgrade the graphics adapter it is onboard graphics

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Can i replace my toshiba laptop video card?

Ok i have the Toshiba A505 laptop with a i5 proccesor and a shity nvidia GEFORCE 310M video card, and i was wondering could i replace it with a new video card like the Invidia GeForce GTX 460M? And if so how would i go about doing it? THANKS! xD|||The graphics/video card is a chip set made into the mother board and not upgradeable/replaceable on your Toshiba and most non custom lap tops.|||To my knowledge, you cannot upgrade laptops very easily. The components may be specialized and tight-fitting, or they could be soldered to the motherboard. So, you probably won't be able to upgrade. It sucks that you have a slow graphics card with a fast processor, but oh well.

Hope this helps!|||most times you cannot change the graphics card in a laptop, you have the live with the one you have or upgrade to a laptop with a graphics card you want|||It is currently not possible to replace anything in a laptop except for the hard drive, optical drive, and ram. Sorry.

What Video Card has the best BANG for the BUCK?!?

I'm building my boyfriend a computer for his birthday and want to load him up with a really good video card so he can play games like counterstrike. What's the best video card for about 400$?|||hands down i think is the EVGA Geforce 8800gt superclocked addition, there is nothing this card cant do and at its price its well worth it i had done some shopping around a few weeks ago and out of them all i chose this one, havnt regreted it at all. here's a link|||the 8800gt. its no contest at the moment. its the best card out there for the money…|||8800GT 512MB all the way. The new G92-based 8800 GTS is good too, but bang for the buck the 8800 GT wins.