Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Best video card for under 500 bucks?

i am not planning to get vista so DX10 isnt a issue i just need to know the name of a good video card to get, ive already looked at the 7900gt and x1900 xtx but im also asking should i wait for

A. the 8 series from Nvidia


B. the newest from ATI to come out like the x1950 whatever-whatever|||I would go with the 7950 for $50 more.


If you have a hard limit at $500, I would go with the 7900GTX. I have a 7900GT myself, and it is a very good card.|||Get the latest and greatest from ATI. NVidia is supposedly making a comeback, but it's still mostly hype. Go with the sure thing.|||Spend you mony on beer and hookers.

Or . . .

Stick your penis in a vacuum cleaner. It's more fun than your nerdy computer games.|||ATI blows, go with the xFx nVidia GeForce 7950 1gb 520m extreme edition. you can get it from directron for 375 if u catch the timing right|||the fastest you're going to purchase for under 500 is 7950 gx2. but then again there is ATI. hahahahahahhahaa

btw.....7900gtx should be enough power with the correct processor.|||I like ATI now and it upgrades.

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