Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How hard is to replace the video card of a laptop?? sony vaio?

I'm going to get one and I want to replace the video card... but I was wondering how hard is it?

*I want 1GB video card... or something like that.|||It depends if your graphics card is integrated or discrete. If it integrated then no, but if its discrete feel free to upgrade. You haven't posted a graphics card name, which is going to be almost impossible to tell which is which.|||Unless your Vaio was a particularly expensive model when it was new, you can't replace the video card.

The vast majority of laptops come with on-board video. These are chip sets that are soldered to the motherboard. They are not meant to be removed or replaced.

Even if you do have an actual video card, you would have to find one that is the same size/shape as the one in there now. Laptop video cards have no standard size/shape. They can be specific to brand or even a certain model, so you would be stuck buying from one source- Sony (in your case).

Finally, supposing you found a compatible card, it would be very expensive. Laptop video cards are low-volume compared to their desktop equivalents so they cost a lot more to produce.

In most cases, upgrading a laptop's video card where even possible just isn't worth the expense.|||you can't.once its in ur laptop then its in there forever. you could get an external graphics card but i wouldn't recommend that.

just go to dell.com and order a configured comp.|||You cannot upgrade the video card on a laptop. So on degree of difficulty, I'd say "near impossible".

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