Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What is the Difference between single card and dual card(I'm Talking about Video cards).?

Excuse Me,, Uhmm... What is single card and dual card something?? Is that dual card something allows you to use two monitors while the single card allows you to use only one monitor?? And What is better for gaming... A dual card or a single card???? Can somebody please explain.. Thanks|||Most graphics cards are single cards. This means that the card has one circuit board with everything on it. A dual card is basically two cards sandwiched together, which allows you to get the performance of two cards in a system that has only one card slot. Dual cards are usually power hogs, and some of the new high end single cards can outperform and use less power than some of the older dual cards. Here's a couple of examples, the card on the left is a dual card and the one on the right is a single card. Look at the specs and the power draw.



It all depends on how much you want to spend. Almost any decent graphics card will require that you upgrade your power supply in order to be able to use it. The more powerful the graphics card is, the more expensive it'll be, and the larger the power supply you'll need to buy in order to use it. Same thing with power supplies, the higher the rated output, the more it'll cost.

It can get expensive if you let it, so most people buy the moderately priced, upper mid range cards that don't require as much of a power supply upgrade as the high end cards.

Most cards that have two DVI ports support dual monitors, you don't need 2 cards or a dual card for that, just check the cards specs, it'll tell you if it supports dual monitors.|||Hi,

As was said, a dual card is literally two circuit boards -or two cards combined-. These combinations are sometimes only slightly better than a single graphics card yet they take up much more power! Google pc benchmarks and look for stuff like "card name"x2 that means it's dual. Benchmarks show how the cards perform on various resolutions on various new games. New graphics cards have technology like eyefinity that link multiple monitors and spread the image across, ofcourse this takes some power so dual cards or very high end single cards will do the trick. Nvidia has SLI and radeon has CROSSFIRE X, this is basically using a bridge to link two graphics cards -seperate- in the same computer case. The benefit is it shares the load and improves gaming performance greatly. Takes a big psu though. Hope this helping mate

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