Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why doesnt the 3D work on my ATI RaedeonX800 Video card?

All the drivers are installed. I have catalyst Control center, a gig of RAM, and a 2.4GHz processer. It should work, souldnt it? When ever I do anything involving 3D it says theres an error and the aplication closes. Even in the test center for the vid card it doesn't work! WTF?|||I would say it could be a possible corruption of the DirectX installation. Reinstalling DirectX may fix the problem.Or your video card itself may be deffective.But before you go buy a new card i would start all over and back up your important files and reinstall windows XP,Change your virtual memory size to 800mb install your Video card driver then DirectX and then your sound driver.Defragmenting your computer after all this will really help !

I hope my answer helps you fix your problem|||Well, u should first check whether ur pc's requirements are compatible with the graphic card. There are many ways to test the card's compatibility. Sometimes, the problems come from your motherboard. Maybe it does not support the graphic card or maybe the graphic card itself has problem. These are what u can do:

1. Try to update the driver.

2. What do you mean by "..anything involving 3D?" If u are talking about playing 3D games, then u should try to minimize the graphic card features while playing the games.

3. Try to install the graphic card in your friend's pc. If the same problem u faced does not occurred after ur friend installed it, then the problem must come from ur existing hardware

4. If ur friend faced the same problem, then u should change ur graphic card or buy a new one.

5. Demand the shop's technician to examine ur graphic card. U should take note of the graphic card's serial number. Sometimes, they are too lazy to change ur goods and return the same one to u.

*Computer can give me headache sometimes. Hope my tips will help u. Sorry for my broken-english|||check the drivers that is a pretty good video card i have the cheaper X300se but i dont game, and that even plays 3d good, if you have norton systemworks run the performance test it will test your video card|||Video card could be bad. Try updating the drivers. If that doesn't work, contact the people who sold you the card and check with them. If they don't help, contact ATI.|||do a system tune-up , like fit-it utilities or system mechanic and check display setting and if its on high 32 bits and NOT on 16 . I try ATI & G-Force for 3-D program use both PCI & AGP and AGP is way faster as well G-Force My prefers is the G-Force 512MB. OS XP|||Update your drivers and see if that works. Call for tech support if that doesn't work.

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